2 results filtered with: Behn, A. R. (Donor)
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Morisoniana, or Family advisor of the British College of Health : being a collection of the works of Mr Morison, the hygeist ; comprising 'Origin of life, and true cause of diseases explained' - 'Important advice to the world' - 'Letter on cholera morbus of India’ – ‘Anti-Lancet’ in six numbers – and ‘more new truths’. Forming a complete manual for individuals and families, for every thing that regards preserving them in health and curing their diseases. The whole tried and proved by the members of the British College of Health, as the only true theory and practice of medicine ; and thus furnishing ample testimony that the old medical science is completely wrong. With an appendix, containing numerous well-authenticated cures, and other interesting matter.
Morison, James, 1770-1840.Date: 1829- Books
- Online
Secret remedies, what they cost and what they contain, based on analyses made for the British Medical Association.
British Medical Association.Date: 1909