24 results filtered with: Allestree, Richard, active 1617-1643
- Books
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Allestree 1633 : a new almanacke, and prognostication, for the yeare of our Lord God 1633 and from the Creation 5595, being the first after leape yeere : calculated and properly referred to the longitude and sublimity of the pole Articke of 51 deg. 32 min. and may generally serue for the whole ile of Great Britaine : mutor pro temporum ratione / by Richard Allestree.
Allestree, Richard, active 1617-1643Date: [1633]- Books
- Online
Allestree 1621 : a new almanack and prognostication for this yeere of our Lord God 1621, being first from bissextile yeere : calculated, and properly referred to the longitude and sublimity of the pole Articke of the famous towne of Derby & may serue generally, for the most part of Great-Brittaine / by Richard Allestree.
Allestree, Richard, active 1617-1643Date: [1621]- Books
- Online
Allestree, 1636 : a new almanacke and prognostication, for the yeere of our Lord God, 1636 and from the creation, 5598, which is the bissextile yeere / calculated and properly referred to the longitude and sublimity of the Pole Artick, of 51.deg.32.m., and may generally serue for the whole ile of Great Britaine ... by Rich. Allestree.
Allestree, Richard, active 1617-1643Date: [1636]- Books
- Online
Allestree, 1639 : a new almanack and prognostication, for the yeere of our Lord God, 1639, being the third after leap yeere : calculated and properly referred to the longitude and sublimity of the Pole Artick of 51. deg. and 32. min. and may generally serve for the whole ile of Great Brittain ... / by Richard Allestree.
Allestree, Richard, active 1617-1643Date: [1639]- Books
- Online
Allestree 1637 : a new almanack and prognostication for the yeere of our Lord God 1637, being the first after leape yeere : calculated and properly referred to the longitude and sublimity of the pole Artick of 51 deg. and 32 min., and may generally serve for the whole isle of Great Brittain / by Richard Allestree.
Allestree, Richard, active 1617-1643Date: [1637]- Books
- Online
Allestree. 1631 : A new almanack and prognostication, for the yeere of our Lord God, 1631. And from the creation. 5593 being the third frō leap yeere calculated and properly referred to the longitude & sublimity of the pole Articke of 51 deg. 32. m. / By Richard Allestree.
Allestree, Richard, active 1617-1643Date: [1631]- Books
- Online
Allestree, 1620 : a new almanack, or annuall calender, with a compendious prognostication thereunto appending, seruing for this yeare of our Lord, 1620, being bissextile or leape yeare : calculated and properly referred, to the longitude and sublimitie of the Pole Articke of the famous towne of Derby, & may serue generally, for the most part of Great Britaine / made ... by Richard Allestree.
Allestree, Richard, active 1617-1643Date: [1620]- Books
- Online
Allestree 1623 : a new almanack and prognostication, for the yeere of our Lord God 1623, being the 3 from bissextil yeer : calculated and properly referred to the longitude and sublimity of the pole Articke of the citie of Couentrie, and may serue generally for the most part of Great Brittaine / by Richard Allestree.
Allestree, Richard, active 1617-1643Date: 1623- Books
- Online
Allestree 1629 : a new almanack and prognosti[cation for the yeere?] of our Lord God [1629] and from the creation 5591, being the first fro[m] leap-yeere ... / by Richard Allestree.
Allestree, Richard, active 1617-1643Date: [1629]- Books
- Online
Allestree, 1625 : a new almanack and prognostication for the yeere of our Lord God, 1625, being the first fro[m] bissextil yere : calculated and properly referred to the longitude and sublimity of the Pole Articke of the citie of Couentree, and may serue generally for the most part of Great Brittaine / by Richard Allestree.
Allestree, Richard, active 1617-1643Date: [1625]- Books
- Online
Allestree, 1622 : a new almanack and prognosti[cation] ... of our Lord God, ... being the 2 from bissextil yeer : [calculated and properly re]ferred to the longitude and sublimity of the Pole Articke of the famous towne of Derby, & may serue generally for the most part of Great-Brittaine / by Richard Allestree.
Allestree, Richard, active 1617-1643Date: [1622]- Books
- Online
Allestree. 1626 : A new almanack and prognostication, for the yeere of our Lord God, 1626. Being the 2 from bissextil yere calculated and properly referred to the longitude [sic] [et] sublimity of the Pole Articke of 52 [et] 53. deg. By Richard Allestree.
Allestree, Richard, active 1617-1643Date: [1626]- Books
- Online
Allestree, 1638 : a new almanack and prognostication, for the yeere of our Lord God, 1638, being the second after leap yeere : calculated and properly referred to the longitude and sublimity of the Pole Artick of 51. deg. and 32. min. and may generally serve for the whole ile of Great Brittain ... / by Richard Allestree.
Allestree, Richard, active 1617-1643Date: [1638]- Books
- Online
Allestree 1640 : a new almanack and prognostication for the yeere of our Lord God 1640, being the bissextile or leap yeere : calculated and properly referred to the longitude and sublimity of the pole Artick of 51 deg. and 32 min., and may generally serve for the whole ile of Great Brittain / by Richard Allestree.
Allestree, Richard, active 1617-1643Date: [1640]- Books
- Online
Allestree. 1631 : A new almanack and prognostication, for the yeere of our Lord God, 1631. And from the creation. 5593 being the third frō leap yeere calculated and properly referred to the longitude & sublimity of the pole Articke of 51 deg. 32. m. / By Richard Allestree.
Allestree, Richard, active 1617-1643Date: [1631]- Books
- Online
Allestree, 1631 : a new almanack and prognostication, for the yeere of our Lord God, 1631 and from the creation, 5593, being the third from leap yeere / calculated and properly referred to the longitude & sublimity of the Pole Articke of 51 deg.32.m. ... by Richard Allestree.
Allestree, Richard, active 1617-1643Date: [1631]- Books
- Online
Allestree 1635 : a new almanacke and prognostication for the yeere of our Lord God, 1635, and from the creation 5597, being the third from leape yeere : collected and properly referred to the longitude and sublimity of the pole Artick of 51 deg. 32 mi. and may generally serue for the whole ile of Great Britaine ... / by Rich. Allestree.
Allestree, Richard, active 1617-1643Date: [1635]- Books
- Online
Allestree 1617 : a new almanacke and prognostication, for this yeare of our Lord God 1617, being the first from the leape-yeare : rectified and written, especially for the eleuation of the pole Articke and meridian of the famous towne of Derby and may serue generally, for the most part of Great Britaine / made and written according to lawfull art by Richard Allestree.
Allestree, Richard, active 1617-1643Date: 1617- Books
- Online
Allestree 1618 : a new almanacke and prognostication, for this year of our Lord God 1618, being the second from the leap yeare : rectified and written especially for the eleuation of the pole Articke and meridian of the famous towne of Darby, and may serue generally for the most part of Great Britaine / made and written [according] to lawfull art by Richard Allestree.
Allestree, Richard, active 1617-1643Date: [1618]- Books
- Online
Allestree 1632 : a new almanack and prognostication for the yeere of our Lord God, 1632, and from the creation, 5594 : being bissextill or leap yeere : calculated and properly referred to the longitude and sublimity of the pole articke of 51 deg. 32 [min.] mutor pro temporá ration / by Richard Allestree.
Allestree, Richard, active 1617-1643Date: [1632]- Books
- Online
Allestree 1628 : a new almanack and prognostication, for the ye[a?]re of our Lord God 1628 and from the Creation 5590, being bissextile or leap-yeere : calculated and properly referred to the longitude & sublimity of the pole Articke of 52 & 53 deg. : mutor pro temporu[m] ratione / by Richard Allestree.
Allestree, Richard, active 1617-1643Date: [1628]- Books
- Online
Allestree 1619 : a new almanacke and prognostication for this year of our Lord God 1618, being the 3. from the leap yeare : calculated, and properly referred to the eleuation of the pole Articke and meridian of the famous towne of Derby & may serue generally, for the most part of Great Britaine / made and written according to lawfull art by Richard Allestree.
Allestree, Richard, active 1617-1643Date: [1619]- Books
- Online
Allestree, 1630 : a new almanack and prognostication, for the yeere of our Lord God, 1630 and from the creation, 5592, being the second from leap yeere / calculated and properly referred to the longitude & sublimity of the Pole Articke of 51 deg.32.m. ... by Richard Allestree.
Allestree, Richard, active 1617-1643Date: [1630]- Books
- Online
Allestree 1634 : a new almanacke and prognostication for the yeere of our Lord God 1634, and from the creation 5596, being the second from the bissextill or leape yeere : collected and properly referred to the longitude and sublimity of the Pole Artick of 51 deg. 32 mi / by Rich. Allestree.
Allestree, Richard, active 1617-1643Date: [1634]