15 results filtered with: Adam, Alexander
- E-books
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The principles of Latin and English grammar. By Alexander Adam, Rector of the High School of Edinburgh
Adam, Alexander- E-books
- Online
The rudiments of Latin and English grammar. By Alexander Adam, LL. D. Rector of the High School of Edinburgh
Adam, Alexander- E-books
- Online
A geographical index, containing the Latin names of the principal countries, cities, rivers, and mountains mentioned in the Greek and Roman classics; With the Modern Names subjoined: also, The Latin Names of the Inhabitants, and the Adjectives and other W
Adam, AlexanderDate: [1795]- E-books
- Online
A summary of geography and history, both ancient and modern; containing, an account of the political state, and principal revolutions of the most illustrious nations in ancient and modern times; their Manners and Customs; the Local Situation of Cities, es
Adam, Alexander- Books
'To the greit support and advancement of helth' : papers on the history of medicine in Aberdeen, arising from a conference held during the quincentenary year of Aberdeen University / editors, Alexander Adam, David Smith, Fiona Watson.
Date: [1996]- E-books
- Online
The rudiments of Latin and English grammar; designed to facilitate the study of both languages, by connecting them together. By Alexander Adam, LL. D. Rector of the High School of Edinburgh
Adam, Alexander- E-books
- Online
Roman antiquities: or, an account of the manners and customs of the Romans; ... Designed chiefly to illustrate the Latin classics, ... By Alexander Adam, ..
Adam, Alexander- E-books
- Online
The rudiments of Latin and English grammar. By Alexander Adam, LL.D. Rector of the high school of Edinburgh
Adam, Alexander- E-books
- Online
Roman antiquities: or, an account of the manners and customs of the Romans; Respecting their Government, Magistract, Laws, Judicial Proceedings, Religion, Games, Military and Naval Affairs, Dress, Exercises, Baths, Marriages, Divorces, Funerals, Weights a
Adam, Alexander- E-books
- Online
Roman antiquities; or, an account of the manners and customs of the Romans; Respecting Their Government, Magistracy, Laws, Judicial Proceedings, Religion, Games, Military & Naval Affairs, Dress, Exercises, Baths, Marriages, Divorces. Funerals, Weights & M
Adam, Alexander- E-books
- Online
Roman antiquities: or, an account of the manners and customs of the Romans; Respecting their Government, Magistracy, Laws, Judicial Proceedings, Religion, Games, Military and Naval Affairs, Dress, Exercises, Baths, Marriages, Divorces, Funerals, Weights a
Adam, AlexanderDate: [1792]- E-books
- Online
Classical biography: exhibiting alphabetically the proper names, with a short account of the several deities, heroes, and other persons, mentioned in the ancient classic authors; ... Designed chiefly to contribute to the illustration of the Latin classics
Adam, Alexander- E-books
- Online
A summary of geography and history, both ancient and modern; containing, An Account of the Political State, and Principal Revolutions of the most Illustrious Nations in Ancient and Modern Times; their Manners and Customs; the Local Situation of Cities; es
Adam, AlexanderDate: [1797]- E-books
- Online
Answers for Alexander Adam slater in Edinburgh, to the petition of Robert M'Farlane clerk in the Insurance Office, Thomas Letham smith in Edinburgh, and James Marshall writer to the Signet
Adam, Alexander- E-books
- Online
Classical biography: exhibiting alphabetically the proper names, with a short account of the several deities, heroes, and other persons, mentioned in the ancient classic authors; and a More Particular Description of the Most Distinguished Characters among
Adam, AlexanderDate: [1800]