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170 results filtered with: Phrenology
  • Phrenological diagrams of the skull and brain, with three portraits: Laurence Sterne, a mathematician, and Shakespeare; exemplifying the faculties of wit, number and imagination respectively. Engraving by H. Sawyer after W. Byam, 1818.
  • A phrenologist at work on a girl, surrounded by members of her family. Engraving by C. Rolls after E. Sharpe, c. 1830.
  • Phrenological properties of drawing: colour, form, space, order. Etching by G. Cruikshank, 1826.
  • Human skull: frontal view. Lithograph, c. 1835.
  • Phrenological illustrations, or an artist's view of the craniological system of Doctors Gall and Spurzheim / By George Cruikshank.
  • The death-mask of Maria Manning, the murderer: three views. Lithograph by John Lane.
  • Johann Caspar Spurzheim. Lithograph by J.H. Bufford after A. Fisher.
  • Joseph Millot Severn, a British phrenologist, examining a boy. Colour process print, c. 1929.
  • An opinionated child ignores his parents; representing the faculty of obstinacy in phrenology. Steel engraving, 1847, after H. Bruyères.
  • Child's head with large temporal lobes and depressed frontal lobe. Drawing, c. 1900.
  • Members of the British Association playing at phrenology on board a ship on its way to South Africa. Photograph by J.T. Bottomley, 1905.
  • Head of "a backward boy" divided into four cerebral lobes: profile. Ink drawing with watercolour, c. 1900.
  • Phrenological head of Lord Ellenborough as Governor General of India 1841-1844. Lithograph, ca. 1844.
  • A young woman's wig and hat being swept away by a gust of wind; behind her a young man is laughing, to the left stand an amused couple. Engraving by J. Caldwell, 1771, after J. Collet.
  • The criminal / by Havelock Ellis.
  • A male figure and three phrenological heads. Wood engraving.
  • Three heads showing phrenological traits associated with insanity: a mentally defective person, a mad woman, and the murderer P.F. Lacenaire. Lithograph by C. Picard, 1842, after J.P. Thenot.
  • Three vignettes of phrenological heads and two phrenological propensities, amativeness and self love. Wood engraving by Dellagana after G. Cruikshank.
  • Coombe's synopsis of phrenology : for the use of practical phrenologists.
  • Three perspectives of a skull sectioned and numbered according to Gall's system of phrenology. Engraving, 1806.
  • Sixteen feet in profile, of women and men: a parody of phrenology. Coloured etching.
  • Phrenological illustrations, or an artist's view of the craniological system of Doctors Gall and Spurzheim / By George Cruikshank.
  • Skull of a Caribbean person: side view. Lithograph by Engelmann after C.P. Mazer.
  • Phrenology: the human and animal brain, the location of its functions according to the principles of phrenology, and personalia of phrenologists. Photographs, drawings and newsletters.
  • Phrenological head of Sir Robert Peel as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. Lithograph, ca. 1844.
  • Two sections of the brain, divided into different lobes and faculties, according to Hollander's system of phrenology. Pen drawing, c. 1902.
  • Phrenology within the reach of all : to the lady or gentleman of this house, with Mr. Moores' compliments / Thomas Moores.
  • Phrenological chart with portraits of historical figures and illustrations of skulls exhibiting racial characteristics. Lithograph by G. E. Madeley, authored by C. Donovan, c. 1850.
  • A head containing over thirty images symbolising the phrenological faculties. Wood engraving, c. 1845, after O.S. Fowler (?).
  • A man sitting erect on a chair; representing pride as a type of the 'sentiment' of self esteem, a phrenological 'faculty'. Steel engraving by C. Devrits, 1847, after H. Bruyères.