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13 results filtered with: ORIENTAL MANUSCRIPTS
  • Ch'iu-Hsu, Yin-tou lueh, 1895. Chinese tract on vaccination.
  • Manuscript amulet, single leaf, square
  • Ibn an-Nafis, Commentary on Avicenna's Canon.
  • Ch'iu-Hsu, Yin-tou lueh. Chinese tract on vaccination
  • Al-Kirmani, Commentary on 'Causes and symptoms'
  • Al-Jildaki, Demonstration of secrets of the balance.
  • Kanjur; excerpt from Buddist sacred scriptures.
  • Text and astrolabe from the book of the birth of Iskandar
  • Muscular system, Avicenna, Canon of Medicine
  • Al-Antaki, Memorandum for the learned.
  • Ibn Sina (Avicenna), Rules about medicines of the heart.
  • Astrological tables from the book of the birth of Iskandar
  • Devimahatmya n.d. {c. 18th