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26 results filtered with: Bath (England)
  • The road entering Bath from the south side of the bridge. Steel engraving by J.B. Allen, 1829, after T.H. Shepherd.
  • Road leading to Maudlin Chapel, Bath. Steel engraving by J.B. Allen, 1829, after T.H. Shepherd.
  • Life & letters at Bath in the xviijth century / by A. Barbeau ; with a preface by Austin Dobson.
  • De thermis Britannicis tractatus. Accesserunt observationes hydrostaticae, chromaticae & miscellaneae, uniuscujusque balnei apud Bathoniam naturam, proprietatem & distinctionem, curatius exhibentes / [Thomas Guidott].
  • The city of Bath of the days of our grandfathers and of to-day : a pictorial presentation of Bath as it was and as it is / by Gordon Home.
  • Society figures strolling along the parade, Bath. Coloured etching.
  • A fashionable young lady with large plume in her hat being carried through the town in a sedan chair. Etching, c. 1796.
  • Life & letters at Bath in the xviijth century / by A. Barbeau ; with a preface by Austin Dobson.
  • The ruins of a Roman bath in Bath. Photograph by J. Poole.
  • Street scene showing the baths and pump room, Bath. Line engraving, 1841.
  • General Hospital, Bath, England. Etching by H.S. Storer after himself, 1819.
  • The road entering Bath from the south side of the bridge. Steel engraving by J.B. Allen, 1829, after T.H. Shepherd.
  • Ladies and gentlemen at Bath brawling over the election of the Master of ceremonies. Engraving, 1769.
  • A busy street scene with the baths and pump room, Bath. Lithograph by W. Gauci after A. Woodroffe.
  • The Roman bath and the abbey at Bath, England; advertising British spas. Colour lithograph, 193-.
  • Royal pump room and colonnade, Bath: exterior. Steel engraving by W. Wallis, 1829, after T.H. Shepherd.
  • The cathedral and literary institution from North Parade, Bath. Steel engraving by W. Wallis, 1829, after T.H. Shepherd.
  • A fashionable young lady with large plume in her hat being carried through the town in a sedan chair. Etching, c. 1796.
  • Bath: a procession of doctors watched by bystanders, at the annual meeting of the British Medical Association. Photograph, 1925.
  • Lansdowne college and surrounding grounds, Bath. Wood engraving by W.E. Hodgkin, 1858, after J. Wilson.
  • A discourse of naturall bathes, and minerall waters. Wherein first the originall of fountaines in generall is declared. Then the nature and differences of minerals, with examples of particular bathes from most of them. Next the generation of minerals in the earth, from whence both the actuall heate of bathes, and their vertues are proved to proceede. Also by what meanes minerall waters are to be examined and discovered. And lastly, of the nature and uses of the bathes, but especially of our bathes at Bathe in Sommersetshire / [Edward Jorden].
  • Ralph Allen making a speech to the Corporation of Bath. Etching by W. Hibbart, 1763.
  • Ralph Allen making a speech to the Corporation of Bath. Etching by W. Hibbart, 1763.
  • The road entering Bath from the south side of the bridge. Steel engraving by J.B. Allen, 1829, after T.H. Shepherd.
  • The pump room, Bath. Line engraving by H.S. Storer, 1818, after himself.
  • The asylum and front grounds, Bath. Steel engraving after S.C. Jones.