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19 results filtered with: Huysum, Jacob van, approximately 1687-approximately 1740
  • Flowering ash (Fraxinus ornus L.): flowering stem. Coloured engraving by H. Fletcher, c. 1730, after J. van Huysum.
  • Carolina kidney bean plant (Phaeolus sp.) and virginian silk plant (Periploca sp.). Coloured engraving by H. Fletcher, c. 1730, after J. van Huysum.
  • A plant (Cotyledon africana): flowering stem, with coat of arms of the dedicatee. Colour mezzotint by E. Kirkall, c.1728, after J. van Huysum.
  • Michaelmas daisy (Aster amellus): flowering stem. Colour mezzotint, c. 1741.
  • Citron (Citrus medica): flowering branch. Colour and coloured mezzotint, c. 1741.
  • Azarole or virginian hawthorn (Crataegus azarolus L.): flowering stems and fruit. Coloured engraving by H. Fletcher, c. 1730, after J. van Huysum.
  • White lily striped with purple (Lilium sp.) and two irises (Iris sp.) Coloured engraving by H. Fletcher, c. 1730, after J. van Huysum.
  • Rose flowers (5 varieties). Coloured engraving by H. Fletcher, c. 1730, after J. van Huysum.
  • Honeysuckle (Lonicera species) and jasmine (Jasminum species): flowering stems. Coloured engraving by H. Fletcher, c. 1730, after J. van Huysum.
  • Gum cistus (Cistus ladanifer L.) and bastard indigo (Amorpha fruticosa L.): flowering and fruiting stems. Coloured engraving by H. Fletcher, c. 1730, after J. van Huysum.
  • St. Peter's wort, cassioberry bush, myrtle-leaved sumach and candleberry tree. Coloured engraving by H. Fletcher, c. 1730, after J. van Huysum.
  • Weymouth or white pine (Pinus strobus L.) and scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.): cones and leaves. Coloured engraving by H. Fletcher, c. 1730, after J. van Huysum.
  • Honeysuckle (Lonicera species): three varieties. Coloured engraving by H. Fletcher after J. van Huysum.
  • Althaea flowers (4 varieties). Coloured engraving by H. Fletcher, c. 1730, after J. van Huysum.
  • Turk's-cap lily (Lilium martagon): flowering stem. Colour and coloured mezzotint, c. 1741.
  • Olive (Olea europaea) and Russian olive (Elaeagnus angustifolia): flowering branches and floral segments. Colour and coloured mezzotint, c. 1741.
  • Honeywort (Cerinthe major): flowering stem. Colour and coloured mezzotint, c. 1741.
  • False acacia or black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia L.): branch with large pod. Coloured engraving by H. Fletcher, c. 1730, after J. van Huysum.
  • Honeysuckle (Lonicera species) and jasmine (Jasminum species): flowering stems. Coloured engraving by H. Fletcher, c. 1730, after J. van Huysum.