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2,544 results filtered with: Wood engravings
  • The manager of a hotel discusses the extermination of bedbugs with a lady. Wood engraving by 'Henriot' (H. Maigrot).
  • Acoustics: a carbon microphone invented by D.E. Hughes. Wood engraving by Baud after Broux.
  • Franco-Prussian War: Civil unrest in Paris. Wood engraving.
  • An African dentist performing an operation on a patient that he is restraining with a wooden stick. Wood engraving by MD.
  • The burial of those who drowned in a river on the Scilly Isles. Wood engraving.
  • The Hospital of Bethlem [Bedlam], St. George's Fields, Lambeth: the billiard room. Wood engraving by F. Vizetelly, 1860.
  • Farming: a threshing machine designed by Richard Hornsby mounted on a cart: cutaway side elevation, and details. Wood engraving after R. Hornsby, 1862.
  • A large balloon is hanging over the old town hall at Calais preparing for take-off. Coloured wood engraving.
  • Newgate Prison, London: male prisoners taking exercise by walking around the prison yard. Wood engraving after M. Fitzgerald, 1873.
  • Three naked men are tied to trees with a bonfire set alight before them threatening to burn or asphyxiate them. Wood engraving by Horace Harral after Godefroy Durand.
  • An episode in the novel  Niccolò de' Lapi. by Massimo D'Azeglio: a massacre in a church during the Sack of Rome is interrupted by the arrival of the soldier of fortune Fanfulla da Lodi. Wood engraving by A. Centenari and G. Sabbatini after R. Venturi.
  • Three vignettes of phrenological heads and two phrenological propensities, amativeness and self love. Wood engraving by Dellagana after G. Cruikshank.
  • Sir Morell Mackenzie. Coloured wood engraving by C. Housman, 1888.
  • A doctor meets an old Scottish convalescent who bemoans the cost of health care. Wood engraving, 1914.
  • The Merchant Taylor's School, Charterhouse, London: the new buildings. Wood engraving by B. Fleming, 1875.
  • New York Infirmary and Women's Medical College, New York City. Coloured wood engraving.
  • Two shepherd's dogs standing on a hill. Wood engraving by J. W. Whimper.
  • Two women cutting men's hair outside a ranch in Texas in 1880. Wood engraving.
  • National school, Clerkenwell, London. Wood engraving by J.R. Jobbins.
  • Women bathing in the sea near their bathing machines. Wood engraving by J. Leech.
  • Lourdes, Haute Pyrénées, France: birthplace of Bernedette Soubirous.
  • Crowds of people gathered at an entertainment at Basford, Staffordshire, including music and a balloon. Coloured wood engraving, 1859.
  • The procession following the coffin of David Livingstone in Southampton in 1873. Wood engraving by G. Durand.
  • Asylum for Worthy and Decayed Freemasons, Croydon, England: perspective view and floor plan. Wood engraving by C.D. Laing, 1852.
  • A physician, a burgess (the physician's patient), and the dean of a university, in their respective costumes, 13--. Coloured wood engraving by Cupré after F.P.
  • Christ among sick people and the Pharisees ('The hundred guilder print'). Wood engraving by H. Linton after T. Beech (?) after Rembrandt, 1649.
  • A seaman telling the ship's doctor that hard work is bad for him. Wood engraving by L. Raven-Hill, 1898.
  • Richard Thomas Tracy. Wood engraving, 1872.
  • Young children are being given food and drink. Wood engraving.
  • David Livingstone, seated on the ground, reading from the Bible to two African followers. Wood engraving and letterpress, 1874.