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2,216 results filtered with: Safe Sex
  • Reducing the risks : a leaflet for people who use drugs / Terrence Higgins Trust ; cartoon by Mike Linnell.
  • Bang : THT @ Rainbows every last Saturday of the month, come and chat! / Terrence Higgins Trust.
  • Acid : gay men, sex and drugs / Terrence Higgins Trust.
  • Choices : a game about H.I.V. & AIDS / produced by Lothian Regional Council Community Education Service.
  • It's time to Take Care : of the one you love / Take Care.
  • Jo's party tonight, what shall I wear? : He'll be there, must look good, watch the drink, could be the night, better be ready, better be safe : take a condom just in case / Health Education Authority.
  • Rubberstuffers / RS Health Ltd.
  • Ketamine : gay men, sex and drugs / Terrence Higgins Trust.
  • Chlamydia trachomatis / Service Interuniversitaire de Médicine Préventative, Promotion de la Santé.
  • I'm negative. I assumed he was too : how do you know what you know? / Gay Life, San Francisco AIDS Foundation ; funded in part by the San Francisco Department of Public Health.
  • C-Card? : free condoms ... The card service ... pick-up points .. protect yourself and your partner ... sexual health services ... emergency contraception ... how to put a condom on ... / Edinburgh Healthcare NHS Trust, Take Care campaign (Lothian Health Promotion Department).
  • AIDS : Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome : some notes for students / University of London.
  • What is a C-Card? : C card is a plastic card, with which you can get free condoms from various pick-up points / Edinburgh Healthcare NHS Trust, Take Care campaign (Lothian Health Promotion Department).
  • Being negative, staying negative : "Because I give a fuck" / GMFA.
  • Tu suces? #1, Sex anatomy / Le Kiosque Infos Sida.
  • How to use Durex condoms / produced by LRC Products Ltd., Durex Information Service for Sexual Health.
  • On vacation? : keep it safe! / Buro GVO.
  • Plain speaking about HIV and AIDS and how it affects women written for women by the experts - women. 1, Prevention / Positively Women.
  • Wherever you travel. However you travel. Mind how you go : advice for travellers on avoiding the risks of HIV and AIDS / Travel Safe, U.K. Health Departments.
  • KISS : "tonsil hockey" : number two in a series of six information cards / Terrence Higgins Trust.
  • The AIDS problem in Scotland : what everyone should know / issued by the Scottish Health Education Group.
  • Qui vivra baisera ... : qui vivra aimera ... qui vivra jouira ... qui vivra verra : pour que dure le plaisir ... / réalisée à l'initiative du Ministère de l'Emploi et de la Solidarité - Secrétariat d'État à la Santé et aux Handicappées et du CFES.
  • Fancy your chances? : now guess why this guy won't be telling you he has HIV? / Terrence Higgins Trust, LADS, C.L.A.S.H., London Gay Men's HIV Prevention Partnership, MetroM8.
  • There are more gay men with HIV than ever before : Be confident, be covered / Terrence Higgins Trust.
  • AIDS : more facts for gay men : compiled with the help and advice of doctors : remember,  the more men you have sex with, the greater your chance of getting AIDS : anal sex carries the highest risk / The Terrence Higgins Trust.
  • A is for AIDS / Sanctuary.
  • AIDS : how drug users can avoid it / SCODA.
  • AIDS HIV: facts : an exhibition / London Strategic Policy Unit, Association of London Authorities.
  • Durex : tried and trusted by millions of people world-wide, Durex is the world's leading condom brand / SSL International.
  • Act fast and PEP can stop HIV / Terrence Higgins Trust ; funded by the Pan-London HIV Prevention Programme.