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258 results filtered with: Science
  • Norwich Science Gossip Club : session 1890-91.
  • Experimenta nova (ut vocantur) Magdeburgica de vacuo spatio, primùm à r. p. Gaspare Schotto ... nunc verò ab ipso auctore perfectiùs edita, variisque aliis experimentis aucta. Quibus accesserunt simul certa quaedam de aëris pondere circa terram; de virtutibus mundanis, & systemate mundi planetario; sicut & de stellis fixis, ac spatio illo immenso, quod tàm intra quam extra eas funditur / [Otto von Guericke].
  • Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society of London.
  • Some considerations touching the usefulnesse of experimental naturall philosophy. Propos'd in familiar discourses to a friend, by way of invitation to the study of it / [Anon].
  • Opera omnia ... tam hactenus excusa, hîc tamen aucta & emendata, quàm nunquam aliàs visa ac primùm ex auctoris ipsius autographis eruta curâ Caroli Sponii ... / [Girolamo Cardano].
  • Henri Sainte-Claire Deville demonstrating an experiment in the inorganic chemistry laboratory at the École Normal Supérieure, Paris, 1878. Reproduction after a painting by L. l'Hermitte.
  • Measurement: a scholar making observations of a pendulum, with two servants, one writing at a table. Engraving by J. Basire, 1822, after J. Goldingham, 1821.
  • Essays and observations, physical and literary : read before a society in Edinburgh, and published by them.
  • A giant claw pierces the breast of a sleeping naked woman, another naked woman swoops down and stabs the claw with a knife; representing the surgical treatment of breast cancer. Watercolour by R. Cooper.
  • Francis Bacon and William Brouncker flanking a bust of King Charles II set on a pedestal, surrounded by symbols of scientific learning representing the Royal Society. Etching by W. Hollar, 1667, after J. Evelyn.
  • Annual science exhibition / American Association for the Advancement of Science and associated societies.
  • Wonders of nature science : an every day book for the student and intellectual observer.
  • Philosophical transactions, giving some account of the present undertakings, studies, and labours of the ingenious, in many considerable parts of the world.
  • Science: the engraved titlepage to the Encyclopedie of Diderot and d'Alembert. Engraving by B.L. Prevost, 1772, after C.N. Cochin, the younger, 1765.
  • A female figure representing science trimming the lamp of life. Engraving by A. R. Freebairn, 1849, after W. Wyon.
  • Science vs. junk science / Robert Whelan, Director, Committee on Population & the Economy.
  • Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society of London.
  • Australian Academy of Science : the pearly nautilus / Photograph: Edrich Slater ; information: Dr. K. S. W. Campbell, Dr. R. E. Barwick.
  • Astronomy: a muse shows a treatise on the stars to a ruler, surrounded by putti with attributes of the arts and sciences, in the background an observatory [Greenwich?]. Engraving.
  • Balloting list 30 November 1956 / The Royal Society.
  • Hydraulics: hydraulic equipment. Coloured engraving by J. Emslie, 1850, after himself.
  • Annual science exhibition / American Association for the Advancement of Science and associated societies.
  • Athanasii Kircheri e Soc. Jesu Mundus subterraneus, in XII libros digestus; qvo divinum subterrestris mundi opificium, mira ergasteriorum naturae in eo distributio, verbo Pantamorphon Protei regnum, universae denique naturae majestas et divitiae summa rerum varietate exponuntur. Abditorum effectuum causae acri indagine inquisitae demonstrantur; cognitae per artis et naturae conjugium ad humanae vitae necessarium usum vario experimentorum apparatu, necnon novo modo, et ratione applicantur. Ad Alexandrum VII. pont. opt. max. Editio tertia, ad fidem scripti exemplaris recognita, & prioribus emendatior: tum ab auctore Româ submissis variis observationibus novisque figuris auctior ... / [Athanasius Kircher].
  • Elections 1956 / The Royal Society.
  • Ḥeleḳ riʼshon [shelishi] mispar ha-ʻolamot o maʻaśeh ṭoviyah / [Tobias Cohen].
  • Philosophical transactions, giving some account of the present undertakings, studies, and labours of the ingenious, in many considerable parts of the world.
  • Nicolai Stenonis Opera philosophica / edited by Vilhelm Maar, at the expense of the Carlsbergfond.
  • Science in Parliament.
  • The Centre for medical science and history : an introduction, May 1991.
  • Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society of London.