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245 results filtered with: Ethnology
  • An African man and woman embracing. Photograph, ca.1900.
  • Eagle of Delight, a native American woman of the Oto (Otoe) tribe. Coloured lithograph by Childs & Inman after C. B. King, 1833.
  • A man posing naked, with his back to the camera, holding on to a branch of a tree.
  • The Australian aboriginal / by Herbert Basedow ; with 146 illustrations.
  • A man of the Konyak Naga tribe, with plugs distorting his ears and a necklace indicating the number of heads he has cut off. Photograph.
  • Voyage en Sibérie, fait par ordre du roi en 1761. Contenant les mœurs, les usages des Russes, et l'etat actuel de cette puissance; la description géographique & le nivellement de la route de Paris à Tobolsk ... / par m. l'abbé Chappe d'Auteroche.
  • A machi, or medicine woman, Araucania, Chile.
  • Africa: four African women. Albumen print.
  • South Africa: an African chief in a dress of angora goatskin. Albumen print.
  • A young woman, posing naked in a photographic studio. Halftone after a photograph, ca.1900.
  • Mon-Ka-Ush-Ka (Monkaushka), a Sioux chief, holding a sword. Coloured lithograph by A. Hoffy after G. Cooke, 1837.
  • African people of the Camma tribe dancing by the light of a fire. Wood engraving.
  • Assuz, a member of the San Carlos Apache. Platinum print by F.A. Rinehart, 1898.
  • A family group in a photographic studio, the women seated, in front of a curtained backdrop.
  • Sikh soldier and wife outside barracks. Gouache drawing.
  • Rubiana lagoon, Solomon Islands: a man with his ears distended by large earrings. Photograph.
  • Das Weib in der Natur- und Völkerkunde : anthropologische Studien / von Heinrich Ploss und Max Bartels.
  • A Zulu medicine man or shaman performing a ritual to fend off a hailstorm, South Africa. Halftone after Trappist Mission, Natal.
  • A large family group in a photographic studio, the women seated, in front of a painted backdrop.
  • Ma-hos-kah (White Cloud) the Younger, a chief of the Iowa tribe, leaning on a tomahawk. Coloured lithograph by J.T. Bowen after C. B. King, 1838.
  • A medicine man or shaman in Africa. Process print, 1910.
  • A brass jar worker. Gouache drawing.
  • A barefoot Basque fisherman posing with several medals on his tunic.
  • A Korean (?) woman, carrying a baby on her back.
  • Two nautch dancing girls, in a studio setting. Photograph, ca.1900.
  • West African studies / by Mary H. Kingsley.
  • A profile of a man bisected with a curve for measuring the brain, skulls of a Turk (top right), a Georgian woman (bottom left) and a Caribbean (bottom right). Coloured engraving by H. Adlard, 1824.
  • Homage to Gustav Theodor Fritsch. Watercolour by J. Unte, 1906.
  • A young Masai woman, wearing much jewellery. Photograph, ca.1900.
  • A shaman or medicine man with extensive body painting, Worgaia, Central Australia. Process print.