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143 results filtered with: Hats
  • A young man who walks straight into a butcher delivery boy's meat tray (poking his eye out), while the boy looks the opposite way. Etching by Richard Dighton.
  • The governors of St Elizabeth's Hospital, Haarlem. Heliogravure after F. Hals, 1641.
  • The presentation of Jesus to the high priest at the Temple. Engraving by C. Cort, 1568, after F. Zuccaro.
  • Four jovial gentlemen in a tavern, one holds a bowl to the face of his drunk companion. Mezzotint by Maucourt, c. 1764, after himself.
  • A blind beggar stands with a boy beside a church, Cadiz, Spain. Coloured lithograph by A. Arrom after himself.
  • The risen Christ, dressed as a pilgrim, shares supper with two men at Emmaus. Woodcut.
  • An interior of 'Marshalls', a famous dentist's shop near Berwick Street, Soho. Watercolour, 1789.
  • St John's Gate, Clerkenwell, London: the north side. Watercolour by R. Rushen.
  • The Evelina Hospital, Southwark: a mother and daughter visiting a girl in hospital at Christmas. Coloured process print, 1882, after C. J. Staniland.
  • A Greenwich Pensioner, on Greenwich Hill, showing trippers the view with a telescope, and offering clay pipes for sale (?). Wood engraving.
  • Hyde Park, near Kensington Palace: ladies and children drinking from a spring and eating a picnic. Engraving by J. Godby, 1802, after Mary Spilsbury.
  • Goodies by the handful / The Terrence Higgins Trust.
  • A young man in ragged clothes leaning against the stump of a tree in the moonlight smiling benignly at his sleeping dog on the ground. Etching by J.T. Smith, 1816.
  • A man wearing a "Bolivar hat", accompanied by a woman and two children. Lithograph by Benira (?).
  • University College, London: the main building. Engraving by W. E. Albutt after D. C. Read.
  • Thomas Hay and Sir James Stirling, arguing. Etching by J. Kay, 1796, after himself.
  • Three hatters at work in their workshop, with hats on display. Woodcut by J. Amman.
  • St. Thomas's Hospital, Lambeth: from the north bank of the river Thames, in front of New Scotland Yard, traffic on Westminster Bridge in the foreground. Wood engraving, 1871.
  • A group of beggars, one playing the violin, the other walking with the aid of a stick holding out a hat to collect alms. Etching by J. Duplessi-Bertaux.
  • Crowds at Greenwich Fair, watching performers in booths with drums, whips, etc: a mounted policeman moves through the throng. Wood engraving.
  • A woman wearing a feathered hat and holding a poodle on her lap at a table holds up a thumb on which is a blown-up condom; with the message: 'Without? Without me'; French version of a series of 'Stop SIDA' [Stop AIDS] campaign posters by the l'Aide Suisse contre le SIDA, in collaboration with the Federal Office of Public Health. Colour lithograph.
  • A man in profile; a physiognomic caricature. Engraving by B. Bossi, 1775, after himself.
  • A sick man. Coloured lithograph by Chap (?).