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199 results filtered with: Crutches
  • Queen Victoria and Prince Albert visiting soldiers wounded in the Crimean War, at Brompton Hospital, Chatham. Coloured lithograph by J.A. Vinter, 1855, after J. Tenniel.
  • Officers recuperating on board the "Hercules", Hong Kong. Wood engraving after G.W. Cooke (?), 1858.
  • Votive picture: a woman kneeling with crutches, praying to the Virgin and Child. Oil painting.
  • An itinerant medicine vendor performing on stage with two assistants and a monkey, selling his wares to an excitable crowd. Coloured wood engraving by J. Oortman.
  • A lame girl discarding her crutches after being healed at Lourdes. Etching by J.L. Forain, 1912.
  • Boer War: two wounded men, one Boer and one British, playing at cards in a hospital ward as a nurse looks on. Gouache by Gordon Browne.
  • Lourdes, Haute Pyrénées: pilgrims gathered at the cave of Massabielle. Lithograph.
  • A tramp exclaiming to another tramp that his severed legs have become whole again as a result of taking J. Morison's vegetable pills. Coloured lithograph by C.J. Grant, 1834.
  • Doctor Bossy, a medicine vendor, selling his wares to a crowd of sick and lame people at Covent Garden, London. Pencil drawing after A. van Assen.
  • Three men wearing orthopedic apparatus exercising; another is strapped into leg braces. Aquatint by P. Sandby (?), 1783.
  • A gouty man seeking comfort in licentious surroundings. Coloured etching by T. Rowlandson, 1785.
  • A procession of historical figures accompanying a car on which Time sits measuring the globe; representing the triumph of Time. Engraving by S. Pomarede, 1748, after G. Buti after Bonifacio de' Pitati.
  • A devil overseeing a man having his back scrubbed; representing John St. John Long and his fatal method of treatment.
  • A paralysed man is lowered down through the roof so Christ can reach him through the crowds. Wood engraving by A. Gaber.
  • Hordes of infirm people with crutches and wheelchairs making their way down the hill to Bath from the Royal Crescent. Coloured etching by T. Rowlandson.
  • Doctor Bossy, an infamous medicine vendor, selling his wares to a crowd of sick and lame people at Covent Garden, London. Etching, 1795, after A. van Assen.
  • Franco-Prussian War: convalescent soldiers in Bordeaux. Wood engraving by G.P., ca.1870.
  • The pool of Bethesda. Oil painting by L. Chéron, ca. 1683.
  • Doctor Bossy, an itinerant medicine vendor, selling his wares on stage with the aid of assistants. Coloured etching by W. Birch, 1792, after A. van Assen.
  • A ward in a military hospital showing two convalescents and two bed-ridden patients. Wood engraving after Cham, 1870.
  • Votive picture: a woman kneeling with crutches, praying to the Virgin and Child. Oil painting.
  • A seated man in a double-breasted coat smoking a pipe while he rests on a crutch under his left arm. Line engraving with etching.
  • An old man on crutches with a wooden leg. Etching by Jean Duplessi-Bertaux.
  • The rich visiting the poor and needy bringing alms, with a quote from the Bible. Line engraving by B. Baron, 1728, after a painting attributed to Frans Francken I.
  • An old woman dressed in rags moving with the aid of two crutches. Gouache painting possibly after J. Callot.
  • Crimean War: recuperating soldiers being nursed. Wood engraving by L. Huard.
  • An old soldier with a wooden leg telling a family about his experiences. Etching by W. Matthews after S. Jennen.
  • A woman with a crutch, a man in chains and a man falling on a sword; allegory of suffering and the different forms of death. Engraving by P. Galle, c. 1563?.
  • Gentlemen being instructed in dancing and posture. Mezzotint by B. Clowes after J. Collet, ca. 1768.
  • The pool of Bethesda. Oil painting by L. Chéron, ca. 1683.