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98 results filtered with: Societies
  • A blue silhouette figure stands with one arm resting on a cave wall, the other behind his head as he looks out at a sunset across the sea in the form of a blue target with a yellow surround; an advertisement for the 1st meeting about Andalucian AIDS and Society on 2 December 1989, a collaboration by the Civic Committee of Anti-AIDS Granada and the Andalusian School of Public Health. Colour lithograph. 1989.
  • British seamen for British ships : the increase of the foreign element in our mercantile marine & the gradual elimination of the British sailor is becoming a grave national danger / The Marine Society.
  • Moove! : Association Lyonnaise des jeunes gays, lesbiennes & de ceux qui les comprennent.
  • Anniversary dinner : The Adelphi Hotel, Liverpool : Thursday April 13th 1961 at 7.30 for 8 p.m. : the president Sir Alexander Todd, M.A., D.Sc., F.R.S. in the chair / the Chemical Society.
  • Moove! : Association Lyonnaise des jeunes gays, lesbiennes & de ceux qui les comprennent.
  • Doctors in Britain Against Animal Experiments (DBAE) : founded- 22 March 1990.
  • Moove! : Association Lyonnaise des jeunes gays, lesbiennes & de ceux qui les comprennent.
  • A woman's white arm touches the hand of a man's black arm with a red ribbon behind a crumpled newspaper representing an advertisement for a "black and white" gala evening for the AIDS Network of Edmonton Society on 19 February 1995. Lithograph.