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392 results filtered with: HIV Infections
  • "Hier nous étions deux... : aujourd'hui, je réapprends à vivre." / Ministère de la Santé Publique et de l'Assurance Maladie ... [and 16 others].
  • Choices : a game about H.I.V. & AIDS / produced by Lothian Regional Council Community Education Service.
  • VIH/sida : après un risque... : contamination par le VIH: quels sont les symptômes? / AIDES.
  • Undetectable viral load / NAM.
  • HIV&AIDS : what do we say to young people? : an information guide for parents and carers / Manchester City Council.
  • Joyeux Noël avec les humoristes de Canal+ : Le very best of : un cadeau hilarant et solidaire à offrir sans modération / Studio Canal, Solidarité Sida, Canal+ [and 2 others].
  • United in anger : a history of ACT UP : directed by Jim Hubbard ... / Visual AIDS.
  • Science of AIDS / [from] articles by Michael Koch and Andrew Scott ; Steve Connor, Sharon Kingman and Gail Vines wrote the remaining text ; illustrations by Peter Gardiner ; design by Colin Brewster.
  • Biologicals for AIDS and human T-cell research : including paramagnetic conjugates, enzymatic conjugates, gold conjugates, fluorescene conjugates ... / AGMED Inc.
  • VIH/sida : après un risque... : contamination par le VIH: quels sont les symptômes? / AIDES.
  • Urgent : faire avancer la lutte contre le SIDA, c'est faire avancer la société toute entière : en Ile-de-France l'association AIDES se rapproche de vous! / AIDES.
  • A.I.D.S. : the facts : compiled with the help and advice of doctors / The Terrence Higgins Trust.
  • VIH/sida : après un risque... : contamination par le VIH: quels sont les symptômes? / AIDES.
  • Community medicine symposium on HIV infection / organised by: the Faculty of Community Medicine, The British Association of Community Physicians, The PHLS Communicable Disease Surveillance Centre.
  • Choices : a game about H.I.V. & AIDS / produced by Lothian Regional Council Community Education Service.
  • From the Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Kenneth Calman, MD PhD FRCS (Glas, ed) FRCP (Lond, Ed) FRCGHP FRCR MFCM FRSE ... HIV & AIDS, the issues : Dear Colleague, "HIV and AIDS - the issues" education pack for hospital doctors ...
  • Who : who's at risk? Fucking without condoms? Worried about HIV? Ever thought you might be passing it on? : Assume nothing / Terrence Higgins Trust.
  • World AIDS Day : Sunday 1st December 1996 : one world one hope / Lothian Health, Crusaid Scotland.
  • La terre vue du ciel : 10,000 coeurs pour un ruban rouge - Le Mans (47 60' - 0 10' E) / Yann Arthus-Bertrand.
  • AIDS? HIV+? : What you can expect from your Citizens Advice Bureau ... / Citizens Advice Bureau ; Terrence Higgins Trust.
  • HIV counselling & support services / Greenwich District Hospital.
  • Mildmay : transforming AIDS care / Mildmay Mission Hospital.
  • HIV&AIDS : what do we say to our children? : an information guide for parents and carers / Lewisham Education, Lewisham Social Services.
  • Un monde sans sida est possible! : Envie d'agir avec nous? Urgent / AIDES.
  • A.I.D.S. : the facts : compiled with the help and advice of doctors / The Terrence Higgins Trust.
  • Inkektios : Kunst und alltag Leben mit AIDS : Ausstellung / Schwules Museum.
  • La Boîte à Frissons au tango : novembre / décembre 2013 : programme No. 002.
  • The Victor O'Shaughnessy award : in recognition of the contribution made by health professionals in the fight against HIV/AIDS in the UK : award to the value of £7500 ... inaugural year 1991 / Durex, London International Group plc.
  • The AIDS problem in Scotland : what everyone should know / issued by the Scottish Health Education Group.
  • HIV&AIDS : what do we say to our children? : an information guide for parents and carers / Islington Council HIV Unit, Bloomsbury & Islington, Lewisham Education, Manchester City Council HIV AIDS Unit.