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245 results filtered with: Ethnology
  • Japan: a man with elaborate tattoos on his body. Coloured photograph.
  • Borneo: a Kenyah man demonstrating the blowpipe, Sarawak, North Borneo. Photograph attributed to Charles Hose.
  • Nesouaquoit (Bear in the Forks of a Tree), a chief of the Fox tribe, wearing a bearskin cloak. Coloured lithograph by Lehman & Duval after J. Newsam after C. B. King, 1837.
  • The Malay archipelago : the land of the orang-utan and the bird of paradise a narrative of travel, with studies of man and nature / by Alfred Russel Wallace.
  • An African medicine man operating on a man's hand. Coloured engraving.
  • A physiognomist whose body is entirely made up of faces, sitting at a table diagnosing people's physiognomic characteristics with the help of a book. Coloured lithograph by G.E. Madeley after G. Spratt, 1831.
  • Panama: a jaguar hunter; and naked children. Photographs, 1900/1910.
  • A Liberian medicine man or shaman, West Africa. Halftone.
  • Ethnography: the races and characteristic dress of the world. Mixed method engraving attributed to S. Himely after A.M. Perrot.
  • Antiquities of Mexico: comprising fac-similes of ancient Mexican paintings and hieroglyphics, preserved in the Royal Libraries of Paris, Berlin, and Dresden; in the Imperial Library of Vienna; in the Vatican Library; in the Borgian Museum at Rome; in the Library of the Institute at Bologna; and in the Bodleian Library at Oxford. Together with the Monuments of New Spain, by M. Dupaix: with their respective scales of measurement and accompanying descriptions. The whole illustrated by many valuable inedited manuscripts / by Lord Kingsborough; the drawings, on stone, by A. Aglio.
  • A young woman with extensive scarification on her face, wearing a hat of foliage: side view. Photograph.
  • Voyage en Sibérie, fait par ordre du roi en 1761. Contenant les mœurs, les usages des Russes, et l'etat actuel de cette puissance; la description géographique & le nivellement de la route de Paris à Tobolsk ... / par m. l'abbé Chappe d'Auteroche.
  • Me-na-wa, a Creek Indian. Coloured lithograph by J.T. Bowen after C.B. King, 1837.
  • Africa: an African woman and man in front of a kraal hut. Albumen print.
  • New Guinea: five tattooed girls of the Koita people, Waima village. Photograph, 19--, after a photograph by H.M. Dauncey.
  • A Niam-Niam medicine man or shaman, equatorial Africa. Halftone after R. Buchta.
  • The Malay archipelago : the land of the orang-utan and the bird of paradise a narrative of travel, with studies of man and nature / by Alfred Russel Wallace.
  • Peter Iron Shell. Platinum print by F.A. Rinehart, 1898.
  • Myanmar (Burma): a young man with elaborate tattoos on his waist and thighs. Photograph.
  • Africa: African women adorning themselves with beads, outside a kraal hut. Albumen print.
  • A Hindu praying to a shrine accompanied by a young lady. Gouache drawing.
  • Ma-hos-kah (White Cloud), a chief of the Iowa tribe, with facial tattooes and a bear's claw necklace. Coloured lithograph by Lehman & Duval after C. B. King, 1837.
  • An African medicine man or shaman using symbols and small animals to eject a demon (disease). Wood engraving by Dalziel after J. Leech.
  • The infant Jesus grabs at the gold offered to him by the Magi. Engraving by S.A. Bolswert after Sir P.P. Rubens.
  • Africa: an African woman. Albumen print.
  • A young Afghan woman, posing semi-naked against a plain background.
  • A child posing in front of a painted backdrop in a photographic studio.
  • The back of an Omaha Indian. Platinum print by F.A. Rinehart, 1899.
  • A man of the Konyak Naga tribe, with a necklace indicating that he has cut off a man's head. Photograph by Christoph von Fürer-Haimendorf, ca. 1937.
  • A man posing naked, with his back to the camera, standing on a rocky outcrop.