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133 results filtered with: Demonology
  • Durga slaying the Buffalo Demon. Chromolithograph.
  • Saint Sebastian, Christ with crucifix, Saint Francis and Saint Michael and a vanquished demon. Drawing by F. Rosaspina, c. 1830, after G.G. Sementi.
  • Witchcraft: a witch and a devil making a nail with which to make a boy lame. Woodcut, 1720.
  • The discouerie of witchcraft, wherein the lewde dealing of witches and witchmongers is notablie detected, the knauerie of coniurors, the impietie of inchantors, the follie of soothsaiers, the impudent falshood of cousenors, the infidelitie of atheists, the pestilent practices of Pythonists, the curiositie of figurecasters, the vanitie of dreamers, the beggerlie art of Alcumystrie, the abhomination of idolatrie, the horrible art of poisoning, the vertue and power of naturall magike, and all the conueiances of legierdemaine and iuggling are deciphered. And many other things opened, which have long lien hidden, howbeit verie necessarie to be knowne. : Heerevnto is added a treatise vpon the nature and substance of spirits and diuels, &c: / all latelie written by Reginald Scot. Esquire.
  • The certainty of the world of spirits. Fully evinced by unquestionable histories of apparitions and witchcrafts, operations, voices, etc. Proving the immortality of souls, the malice and miseries of the devils and the damned, and the blessedness of the justified / Written for the conviction of sadduces & infidels. By Richard Baxter.
  • A witches' sabbath. Line engraving, 17--.
  • Job rides on a turtle in front of his wife, his comforters and the devil. Engraving by D.V. Coornhert after M. van Heemskerck, 1559.
  • The child Samuel is laid down to sleep and the hushed priests await his prophecies; the elaborate surrounding panel is decorated with florid demons. Engraving.
  • The certainty of the world of spirits. Fully evinced by unquestionable histories of apparitions and witchcrafts, operations, voices, etc. Proving the immortality of souls, the malice and miseries of the devils and the damned, and the blessedness of the justified / Written for the conviction of sadduces & infidels. By Richard Baxter.
  • A magician in his gothic study conjuring demons: a naked woman appearing from a mirror. Soft ground etching by F. Rops.
  • Jack o'lantern as a demon standing among bullrushes at the water's edge at night and holding a lantern. Etching by G. Cruikshank, 1842.
  • Saint Antony Abbot: he is tormented by devils, one of whom is disguised as a woman offering him a glass. Engraving by J.P. Le Bas, 1747, after D. Teniers.
  • Witchcraft: a bewitched woman vomiting. Woodcut, 1720.
  • Durga slaying the Buffalo demon surrounded by deities on a stand within a torana. Coloured transfer lithograph.
  • The damned writhe in boiling cauldrons; representing hell. Woodcut.
  • The birth of the Antichrist from a dying woman via a Caesarean operation. Reproduction, 1933, of a woodcut, 1475.
  • The levels of hell depicted as circular stone tiers; purgatory lies outside its walls. Engraving.
  • Demons and witches arrive at the sabbath. Engraving by J. Aliamet after D. Teniers the younger, 1755.
  • Philip Thicknesse writing at a table, surrounded by demonic apparitions representing aspects of his life. Aquatint by J. Gillray after himself, 1790.
  • Witchcraft: a man on horseback visits a woman, while inside a house another woman points to a broken wheel. Woodcut, 1720.
  • The certainty of the world of spirits. Fully evinced by unquestionable histories of apparitions and witchcrafts, operations, voices, etc. Proving the immortality of souls, the malice and miseries of the devils and the damned, and the blessedness of the justified / Written for the conviction of sadduces & infidels. By Richard Baxter.
  • Chinese people driving away evil spirits at Malacca, Malaysia. Wood engraving by D. Macpherson, 1891.
  • A man holds a scythe as winged creatures fly above him, three figures approach on a horse, and another figure approaches from the left with a scroll. Woodcut, ca. 1700-1720.
  • The certainty of the world of spirits. Fully evinced by unquestionable histories of apparitions and witchcrafts, operations, voices, etc. Proving the immortality of souls, the malice and miseries of the devils and the damned, and the blessedness of the justified / Written for the conviction of sadduces & infidels. By Richard Baxter.
  • De praestigiis daemonum, et incantationibus ac veneficiis libri sex, aucti et recogniti / [Johann Weyer].
  • Saint Michael the Archangel. Engraving after the Master E.S.
  • A chariot bearing Aesculapius rides above suffering humanity: representing pathology. Etching by J. Chapman, 1823, after A.D. Macquin.
  • Demonology and devil-lore / Moncure D. Conway.
  • Balthasar Bekker and Christian Scriver sieve diseases from devils. Engraving, 1731.
  • Alcasto in an enchanted forest, facing a castle defended by dragons and demons. Etching by P. Sandby and E. Rooker after J. Collins, ca. 1760.