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108 results filtered with: Research
  • Science vs. junk science / Robert Whelan, Director, Committee on Population & the Economy.
  • Research department / The Henry Doubleday Research Association.
  • Government proposals for the reform of the 1876 cruelty to animals act / Research Defence Society.
  • Shell kills animals at Huntingdon Life Sciences / SHAC.
  • Meeting the challenge of disabling disease : animal research brings hope / Research for Health Charities Group.
  • Government proposals for the reform of the 1876 cruelty to animals act : summary of the supplemantary white paper (Cmnd. 9521) : Scientific procedures on living animals / Research Defence Society.
  • Louis Pasteur, proponent of the 'germ' theory of disease. Oil painting after A. Edelfelt.
  • Science in Parliament.
  • Government proposals for the reform of the 1876 cruelty to animals act : summary of the supplemantary white paper (Cmnd. 9521) : Scientific procedures on living animals / Research Defence Society.
  • A premium for pain : Marsh UK and The Beckett Group : collaborators in animal torture : Marsh UK and The Beckett Group both provide vital insurance services to the notorious animal torturers Huntingdon Life Sciences... / SHAC.
  • Shell kills animals at Huntingdon Life sciences / SHAC.
  • Go organic! : help wildlife, reduce pollution and grow food you can trust / The Henry Doubleday Research Association.
  • Science vs. junk science / Robert Whelan, Director, Committee on Population & the Economy.
  • Introducing Nucleon DNA extraction kit : for faster and safer extraction of DNA / from Scotlab.
  • Who would have thought? : a microchip implant could deliver drugs within the body ... / Case Western Reserve University.
  • Survey Methods Centre : 35 Northampton Square, London EC1V 0AX ... / Social and Community Planning Research.
  • Doctors in Britain Against Animal Experiments (DBAE) : founded- 22 March 1990.
  • Charities that make animals pay / National Anti-Vivisection Society.
  • Institut national de la recherche agronomique : Station de pathologie de la reproduction : Centre de recherches vétinaires et zootechniques de Tours-L'Orfrasière : 37, Nouzilly, France ...
  • Primer aniversariode la fundación de la Dirección de Estudios Biológicos, dependiente de la Secretaría de Fomento, Colonización e Industria : resultados generales obtenidos desde la fundación de ese establecimiento hasta la fecha / Departamento de Talleres Gráficos de Fomento.
  • Introduction à l'étude de la médecine expérimentale / par Claude Bernard.
  • Progress without pain : real medical progress / The Lord Dowding Fund for Humane Research.
  • The American Genetic Association.
  • Imagine having your body left to science... while you're still in it / PETA.
  • Seriously Ill Against Vivisection : we need real science not vivisection.
  • The need for animal research in medicine : crucial to past success : vital for future progress / Research for Health Charities Group.
  • CERMES : Centre de Recherches Médecine, Sciences, Santé et Société : à l'attention de : à la part de : 182 Boulevard de la Villette 75019 Paris.
  • Government proposals for the reform of the 1876 cruelty to animals act / Research Defence Society.
  • Progress without pain : real medical progress / The Lord Dowding Fund for Humane Research.
  • Primer aniversariode la fundación de la Dirección de Estudios Biológicos, dependiente de la Secretaría de Fomento, Colonización e Industria : resultados generales obtenidos desde la fundación de ese establecimiento hasta la fecha / Departamento de Talleres Gráficos de Fomento.