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178 results filtered with: Hygiene
  • A girl washing a dog as an advertisement for Nubolic soap. Chromolithograph by A. Reeve.
  • Medicina flagellata: or, the doctor scarify'd. Laying open the vices of the Faculty, the insignificancy of a great part of their materia medica; with certain rules to discern the true physician from the emperick, and the useful medicine from the noxious and trading physick. With an essay on health, or the power of a regimen. To which is added, a discovery of some remarkable errors in the late writings on the plague / by Dr. Mead, Quincey, Bradley, etc. With some useful and necessary rules to be observed in the time of that contagious distemper.
  • Dame Trot : to market, to market went little Dame Trot, Sunlight Soap for mother the pretty maid got... / [Lever Brothers Ltd.].
  • A bath-house in which the attendant bathes his customers and applies cupping glasses to their backs. Woodcut by J. Amman.
  • Verses for children about measuring dogs (left); details of Sparkla cleaning product and Nubolic soap. Lithographs.
  • Graphology ... : for the users of Sunlight soap / [Lever Brothers Ltd.].
  • Piercing, tatouage : risques d'infections : mesures élémentaires de prévention / Ministère de la Santé et des Solidarités, L'INPES.
  • The art of preserving health; a poem / [John Armstrong].
  • Convincing : it is impossible for any argument in favour of Sunlight to be more convincing than a trial of the soap... / Lever Brothers Ltd.
  • Hygiene for children in China: six figures. Colour lithograph, ca. 1970.
  • Sunlight Soap makes washing play / Lever Brothers Limited.
  • A clothed woman combs her hair and washes her face, standing at a washstand. Collotype after Eadweard Muybridge, 1887.
  • AIDS and the workplace / NUPE Public Service Workers.
  • Some good reasons for using Sunlight Soap / [Lever Brothers Ltd.].
  • The special commission : Pear's soap used by all the best judges.
  • Gesundheits-Katechismus zum Gebrauche in den Schulen und beym häuslichen Unterrichte / von Bernhard Christoph Faust ; in Faksimile herausgegeben und mit Nachwort versehen von Martin Vogel.
  • Sunlight : my soap is my fortune sir, she said / Lever Brothers Ltd.
  • An essay of health and long life / By George Cheyne.
  • A man washing his hands: the importance of personal hygiene at work in Ethiopia. Colour lithograph for the World Health Organisation, 2000.
  • Sunlight soap : for mother / Lever Brothers Ltd. ; Fred Pegram [illustrator].
  • Some good reasons for using Sunlight Soap / [Lever Brothers Ltd.].
  • The seven rules of health : you and your family will stand a better chance of avoiding colds, influenza and other common ailments, as you will more serious diseases such as tuberculosis, if you follow these simple rules ...  / prepared for the Ministry of Health and the Department of Health for Scotland by the Central Office of Information.
  • Life force : taking positive action : HIV positive people can help themselves stay healthy / text by Jane Elven ; layout by Amy Adams Ellerman.
  • A man sneezing in a canteen while queuing for food, urging the use of handkerchiefs to prevent infectious diseases. Colour lithograph after R. Mount ca. 1950.
  • Hygieia as a personification of hygiene: a woman holding up the palm of her hand on the left and holding the staff of Aesculapius on the right, with water in the background; advertising an exhibition in Düsseldorf on health and welfare. Colour lithograph after L. ten Hompel, 1926.
  • Personal hygiene practices to prevent avian flu in Djibouti. Colour lithograph by Ministère de la Santé, ca. 2006.
  • Verses for children about measuring dogs (left); details of Sparkla cleaning product and Nubolic soap. Lithographs.
  • Fourteen illustrated precautions to be taken when handling blood or fluids contaminated with blood, in order to avoid transmitting HIV, hepatitis B and other related infections; an advertisement for AIDS prevention by the Eusko Jaurlaritza Gobierno Vasco. Colour lithograph, ca. 1996.
  • The art of preserving health; a poem / [John Armstrong].
  • A giant holding up a boulder with a landscape on which eleven human figures are dancing and three are sitting with vessels out of which streams of water flow, while around the giant's legs are attacking male figures armed with spears. Etching by M. Klinger, 1912.