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1,837 results filtered with: Human anatomy
  • The circulatory system: dissections of the neck, jaw and face of a man, with arteries and blood vessels indicated in red. Coloured lithograph by J. Maclise, 1841/1844.
  • Ancient anatomists in discussion around a cadaver. Engraving by G. Appelmans, 1674.
  • Two écorché figures: front (l.) and back (r.) views, with two arms stretched upwards in centre of image. Engraving by G. Mochetti after G. della Valle, ca. 1790.
  • Posterior muscles of the head and neck. Line engraving by A. Bell after G. Bidloo, 1798.
  • The zodiac man. Watercolour painting by a Persian artist.
  • Human anatomy and physiology: western ideas presented for the education of Chinese medical staff. Colour lithographs, 1956.
  • Bones of the ribcage and pelvis: two figures, showing the appearance of the ribcage and spine in both its natural state, and when distorted by tight lacing. Etching with watercolour, 1864.
  • [Anatomical fugitive sheets of a skeleton, male figure and a female figure.].
  • Muscles and bones of the pelvis and upper leg: twelve figures. Line engraving by J. Wandelaar, 1746.
  • An écorché face weeping, showing the muscles involved. Stipple engraving by H. Singleton (?) after G.T. Stubbs after G. Stubbs, 1815.
  • The viscera and the venous system. Watercolour painting by a Persian artist.
  • Dissections of pharynxes and larynxes affected by diseases including syphilis. Chromolithograph by W. Gummelt, ca. 1897.
  • The circulatory system: dissections of the foot, lower leg and ankle, with arteries and veins indicated in red and blue. Coloured lithograph by J. Maclise, 1841/1844.
  • Muscles and tendons of the leg and foot, back view: écorché figure. Watercolour, 18--(?).
  • A black child displaying areas of white skin across her entire body (vitiligo?). Etching with watercolour, 1818.
  • Dissection of the female abdomen, showing part of the pregnant uterus at seven months, with the surrounding viscera. Copperplate engraving by F. Aliamet after A. Cozens, 1774, reprinted 1851.
  • A seated male nude, with arms and legs crossed. Crayon manner print by Lavalée after J. Gamelin, 1779.
  • Muscles and tendons of the foot and hand: two figures. Red chalk and pencil drawing by or associated with A. Durelli, ca. 1837.
  • A standing dissected man, posterior view, with separate sections of the brain. Oil painting by Jacques-Fabien Gautier D'Agoty, 1764/1765.
  • Nouveau recueil d'ostéologie et de myologie, dessiné d'après nature / par Jacques Gamelin de Carcassone.
  • Skull: lateral view. Etching by B. Bossi, 1760.
  • Human skull: three-quarter view. Watercolour, ink and pencil drawing by J.C. Whishaw, ca. 1854.
  • Muscles and tendons of the knee-joint. Red chalk and pencil drawing by or associated with A. Durelli, ca. 1837.
  • Skeletons carrying people off to the grave. Etching by J. Gamelin after himself, 1778/1779.
  • Human anatomy: three figures. Ink drawing, Tibet.
  • [Anatomical fugitive sheets of a skeleton, male figure and a female figure.].
  • A skeleton seen from the front, resting the bones of the right forearm on a spade and holding a skull aloft in its left hand. On the left is an illustration of the sacrum and on the right, a skull in profile, with further bones to be seen at the skeleton's feet. Photograph of a woodcut, c. 1590.
  • A standing écorché figure, showing the bone structure and muscles of the trunk and limbs, with three separates figures indicating the muscles of hands and feet. Crayon manner print by or after J. Gamelin, 1778/1779.
  • The circulatory system: dissection of the torso showing the kidneys and bladder, with the arteries and veins indicated in red and blue. Coloured lithograph by J. Maclise, 1841/1844.
  • Bones and muscles of the hand and arm: two figures. Pencil and crayon drawing by J.C. Zeller after J.G. Salvage, ca. 1833.