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203 results filtered with: Drugs
  • How to clean syringes to reduce the risk of AIDS; advertisement by the State of California AIDS Education Campaign. Lithograph.
  • The head of a man against a backdrop of doodles; representing safe sex as not transmitting the cause of AIDS; an advertisement for safe sex and use of drugs by Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe e.V. Colour lithograph by Peder Iblher.
  • A woman giving her husband some betel leaves. Gouache drawing.
  • A black and a white syringe against a background of swirling white lines representing an advertisement for Project 'AIDS en Druggebruik' and the AIDS Information line in the Netherlands; advertisement by the N.I.A.D [Nederlands Instituut voor Alcohol en Drugs]. Colour lithograph.
  • A black woman wearing glasses and a head scarf holds up a condom packet; advertisment about the dangers of drugs, sex and AIDS by the San Francisco AIDS Foundation. Lithograph by Warwick May, 1991.
  • A figure dives off a cliff into the sea; one of a series of AIDS prevention advertisements for Swedish addiction support groups including the AIDS delegation, the Federation of alcohol and drug awareness, Youth Federation and Soldiers Against Drugs. Colour lithograph by Annerino-Liaison, 1992.
  • A monkey dressed in preparation against the cholera epidemic. Etching, c. 1832.
  • Advertisement for insulin, Burroughs Wellcome, 1930
  • The medical practitioner appearing as an angel when he has started to heal sick people. Coloured engraving by Johann Gelle after E. van Panderen.
  • Tabloid brand product descriptions
  • A woman offers a watermelon to a sick man; he is cured and both start dancing; she holds up a medicine bottle. Coloured lithograph, 1890.
  • A style-conscious black man holds up a packet of condoms, with symbols (man and woman, condom, British standard kitemark, telephone handset) representing "smart" ways to prevent AIDS. Colour lithograph by Photo Co-op, Glover/Hughes and Big-Active Ltd. for Mainliners, 1990/1995.
  • A busy stacking room in the opium factory at Patna, India. Lithograph after W. S. Sherwill, c. 1850.
  • A man with a square head bearing the postive and negative signs of HIV places his hands on his backside with the words 'booze', 'grass', 'drugs', 'cocktails', 'ups' and 'downs' written across his body and surrounded by the words 'party' and 'bar'; a warning to gay men about the dangers of alcohol and drugs and AIDS by the AIDS Council of New South Wales. Colour lithograph by David McDiarmid, 1992.
  • The head of a woman heroin user against a backdrop of doodles; representing heroin as not transmitting the cause of AIDS; an advertisement for safe sex and use of drugs by Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe e.V. Colour lithograph by Peder Iblher.
  • A young man surfing on a circular board with the message 'The real binge is within you'; one of a series of AIDS prevention advertisements for Swedish addiction support groups including the AIDS delegation, the Federation of alcohol and drug awareness, Youth Federation and Soldiers Against Drugs. Colour lithograph by Sander-Liaison, 1992.
  • A man sits alone huddled on some steps representing a man with AIDS who is marginalised from society; advertisement for the National drug and AIDS programme by the Ministerio de Sanidad y Consumo [Miinistry of Public Health]. Colour lithograph, ca. 1996.
  • Advertisement, ergot, Burroughs Wellcome, 1929
  • A chemist, surrounded by symbols and instruments of chemistry, advertising Richard Siddall, chemist in London. Etching by R. Clee, ca. 1750, after J. de Lajoue, ca. 1735.
  • From "Man with the twisted lip".
  • Microparticle drug delivery
  • A warning in Italian green lettering about seeking advice about drug addiction with a warning not to start taking drugs; one of a series of safe sex posters from a 'Stop AIDS' poster campaign by Aiuto AIDS Svizzero, in collaboration with the Office of Public Health. Colour lithograph.
  • A pharmacist and his friend discuss the new tax on medicine; with four other scenes. Photomechanical reproduction of a wood engraving by H. Maigrot.
  • A busy examining hall in the opium factory at Patna, India. Lithograph after W. S. Sherwill, c. 1850.
  • Rules for safe, potentially unsafe and unsafe sex to prevent AIDS. Colour lithograph.
  • Spheres of medicine to be delivered in capsule form
  • The Wellcome Building, Euston Road, London: working area in the materia medica stores. Photograph.
  • Trephination, preparation of medicines from raw materials, a skeleton, a muscleman and a portrait of A. Paré. Line engraving.
  • The shadow of a native American man wearing a head-dress emerging from flames; warning to native Americans to practice safe sex by using condoms by the American Indian Health Care Assocation. Colour lithograph by Christopher Sheriff and Edward Sheriff Curtis, 1990.
  • A woman's eye looking at the needle of a syringe pointing up towards a man's eye with the message in French: "Stop AIDS. Don't start!"; an anti-drugs advertisement from a campaign of 'STOP AIDS posters by the l'AIDE Suisse contre le SIDA in collaboration with the Federal Office of Public Health. Colour lithograph.