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89 results filtered with: Climbing plants
  • A plant (Glycine striata), related to soya bean: flowering stem with separate fruit and seed. Coloured engraving after F. von Scheidl, 1770.
  • Cucumber, (Cucumis prophetarum): flowering and fruiting stems with sectioned fruit. Coloured engraving after F. von Scheidl, 1770.
  • A bean plant, possibly a Phaseolus species: flowering and fruiting stems. Watercolour.
  • A woody liane of the Asclepiadaceae family, with two pods. Watercolour.
  • A palm tree (Desmoncus horridus Splitg. ex Mart. ssp. horridus) in Guyana: liane with fruit. Watercolour by E.A. Goodall, 1846.
  • Four flowering plants, one possibly a delphinium. Watercolour, c. 1870.
  • A plant (Aristolochia sp.) related to birthwort: part of twining, flowering stem. Coloured etching by M. Bouchard, 1774.
  • Passion flower (Passiflora suberosa L.): flowering and fruiting stem with separate mature fruit. Coloured engraving after F. von Scheidl, 1772.
  • Monkeys gather tea leaves for a Chinese man waiting with a bowl. Coloured etching by A. Freschi, c. 1812.
  • Dishcloth gourd (Luffa acutangula (L.) Roxb.): whole and sectioned fruit and floral segments. Coloured engraving after F. von Scheidl, 1776.
  • Morning glory (Ipomoea purpurea (L.) Roth.): flowering stem with separate floral segments and a description of the plant and its medicinal uses. Coloured line engraving by C.H. Hemerich, c.1759, after T. Sheldrake.
  • Honeysuckle (Lonicera species): plant with labels to describe the colouring technique. Coloured pen drawings.
  • A plant (Sicyos sp.) related to bur cucumber: flowering and fruiting stem with separate fruit and seed. Coloured etching by M. Bouchard, 1772.
  • The first verse of a poem entitled, "Rheinweinlied", surrounded by an ornamental design with a large wine glass. Etching, 1842.
  • Granadilla or passion flower (Passiflora quadrangularis L.): flowering stem with separate floral segments. Coloured etching by M. Bouchard, 177-.
  • Two leafy stems and one flowering plant. Watercolour, c. 1870.
  • Gherkin (Cucumis anguria L.): flowering and fruiting stem. Coloured etching by M. Bouchard, 1772.
  • A plant (Clematis species): trailing stem with large white flower. Watercolour.
  • A man on a donkey and three drinkers toasting Bacchus: drinking song. Engraving and etching, 17--, after A.Corelli.
  • Tangier pea (Lathyrus tingitanus L.): flowering and fruiting stem with separate mature fruit and seed. Coloured engraving after F. von Scheidl, 1770.
  • A shrub or liane, possibly an Akebia species: branch with grey fruit. Watercolour.
  • A plant, possibly of the Apocynaceae family: woody stem with white flowers. Watercolour.
  • Honeysuckle (Lonicera species): flowers and leaves. Watercolour and pen drawings.
  • A wax flower (Hoya pottsii): flowering and fruiting stem. Coloured etching, c. 1830, after Mrs. Withers.
  • Two plants: balsam apple (Momordica balsamina) and Oswego tea or bee balm (Monarda didyma). Coloured engraving by J. Pass, c. 1817.
  • A climbing leguminous plant: leafy stem with pods. Watercolour.
  • A wisteria plant: flowering stems. Watercolour.
  • A grape vine (Vitis species): fruiting stem with leaves. Watercolour.
  • A plant (Vigna capensis) related to cowpea: flowering and fruiting stem with separate fruit and petals. Coloured engraving after F. von Scheidl, 1772.