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79 results filtered with: Beauty, Personal
  • A young woman casting a spell. Stipple engraving by T.L. Grundy, 1838, after W. Bradley.
  • Die kosmetische Wirkung der Vibrationsmassage mit dem "Sanofix" : kein Ermüden der Hand... / Electricitätsgesellschaft "Sanitas".
  • 50,000 women wanted to try this Magician beauty roller free / Oatine Company.
  • The figure of a woman divided in two parts: half skeleton, half lady of fashion, standing next to a obelisk inscribed with biblical quotations. Etching, 17--, attributed to V. Green.
  • (Above) Zeuxis painting the portrait of Juno from the features of five different women; (below) Parrhasius deceives onlookers with a painting of a veil over a painting, and birds with a painting of grapes. Etching by J.J. von Sandrart after J. von Sandrart.
  • Three women at a wash-basin, on either side stand attendants. Gouache painting by S.W. Kelly, 1937.
  • Husbands bringing their ugly wives to a windmill, to be transformed into beautiful ones. Engraving, ca 1650.
  • A man looking at a version of the painting of the three Graces by Raphael. Mezzotint by F. Atkinson, 1882, after J.E. Soden.
  • A water-pot (hydria), painted with women at their toilet, with Eros. Engraving, 17--.
  • Die kosmetische Wirkung der Vibrationsmassage mit dem "Sanofix" : kein Ermüden der Hand... / Electricitätsgesellschaft "Sanitas".
  • A vain woman (Lady Pentweazle) sits to a portrait-painter (Carmine) while a servant holds her lapdog. Mezzotint by D. Lucas, 1832, after R. Smirke.
  • A vain woman (Lady Pentweazle) sits to a portrait-painter (Carmine) while a servant holds her lapdog. Mezzotint by D. Lucas, 1832, after R. Smirke.
  • A young woman wearing a bonnet, representing characteristics of youth. Drawing, ca. 1794.
  • Two heads: Michelangelo and Raphael. Drawing, c. 1791.
  • Keep your hands soft and white with Zam-Buk : "rub it in" every night.
  • It floats : Swan Soap : train up a child in the way it should go / Lever Brothers Limited.
  • Die kosmetische Wirkung der Vibrationsmassage mit dem "Sanofix" : kein Ermüden der Hand... / Electricitätsgesellschaft "Sanitas".
  • A physician examining a urine flask of a scantily dressed attractive woman who is in bed surrounded by her mother, lover and servant. Engraving by A.F. David after J.B. Leprince.
  • Seven portraits of women, compared for their beauty and prudence. Drawing, c. 1789.