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68 results filtered with: Haller, Albrecht von, 1708-1777
  • Opuscula sua anatomica, de respiratione, de monstris aliaque minora / recensuit, emendavid auxit aliaque inedita novasque icones addidit Albertus v. Haller.
  • Iconum anatomicarum quibus praecipuae partes corporis humanae delineatae continentur Fasc. I[-VIII] / [Albrecht von Haller].
  • Bibliotheca anatomica : qua scripta ad anatomen et physiologiam facientia a rerum initiis recensentur / auctore Alberto von Haller.
  • Enumeratio methodica stirpium Helvetiae indigenarum. Qua omnium brevis descriptic et synonymia compendium virium medicarum dubiarum declaratio novarum et rariorum vberior historia et icones continentur / [Albrecht von Haller].
  • Compleat system of the blood-vessels and nerves / taken from Albinus's edition of Eustachius, also from Ruysch, Vieussens, Du Verney, Haller, Trew, and J.B. Surgeon at Avignon; with tables of explanation, containing the text of Eustachius, Albinus, etc. Translated into English. To which are prefixed three whole-length anatomical figures, representing the external parts of the human body in both sexes.
  • Iconum anatomicarum quibus praecipuae partes corporis humanae delineatae continentur Fasc. I[-VIII] / [Albrecht von Haller].
  • The arteries and lungs (fig. 2), after Haller; the breast (fig. 3), after Nuck; branch of the bronchi (fig. 4), after Bidloo. Engraving by Prevost, 1762.
  • The female generative organs, after Haller. Engraving by Benard, late 18th century.