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82 results filtered with: Urns
  • An ornate garden obelisk decorated with urns and statues. Etching by J. Schynvoet after S. Schynvoet, early 18th century.
  • Bacchus on a chariot preceded by a drunken procession of nude men, women and satyrs all carrying grapes. Engraving, 16--, after G. Romano.
  • An urn. Etching by G.B. Piranesi, ca. 1770.
  • A marble urn. Etching by G.B. Piranesi, ca. 1770.
  • A design for a pharmacy label containing paraphernalia associated with that discipline. Engraving.
  • Alexander the Great, demonstrating his trust in his physician Philip by drinking a medicinal draught prepared by him after receiving a letter from General Parmenio indicating that Philip is poisoning him, they are surrounded by concerned statesmen and soldiers. Aquatint by P. Allais.
  • Canary Islanders circling a fountain tree (Spathodea campanulata) and filling their urns with the water it secretes. Wood-engraving, ca. 1748.
  • A large marble urn. Etching by G.B. Piranesi, ca. 1770.
  • Pseudodoxia epidemica, or, Enquiries into very many received tenents, and commonly presumed truths / By Thomas Brown Dr. of Physick.
  • A surgeon treating a patient's foot, in the background another surgeon is examining a patient in a surgery. Line engraving by F.A. Schröder after A. Brouwer.
  • A love-sick gentleman being advised by another to drink wine: a drinking song. Engraving and etching, 17--.
  • A surgeon treating a patient's foot, in the background another surgeon is examining a patient in a surgery. Lithograph after A. Brouwer.
  • Venus riding a scallop shell chariot over the seas accompanied by Neptune, nymphs and cherubs, symbolising the element water. Engraving by E. Baudet, 1695, after F. Albani.
  • A love-sick gentleman being advised by another to drink wine: a drinking song. Engraving and etching, 17--.
  • A surgeon consulting an older surgeon before bleeding an man's hand, he is aided by an assistant and a woman. Engraving, 1586.
  • A surgeon consulting an older surgeon before bleeding an man's hand, he is aided by an assistant and a woman. Engraving, 1586.
  • A surgeon treating the foot of a male patient. Coloured pencil drawing by C. Boyle-Walsingham, 1762, after A. Brouwer.
  • An urn. Etching by G.B. Piranesi, ca. 1770.
  • Monkeys representing human beings in a tooth-drawer's surgery. Lithograph by L. Haghe after E. Bristow, 1828.
  • A rural surgeon treating an elderly man's foot, in the background an assistant is mixing a concoction with a pestle and mortar amidst a busy workshop. Etching by W. Unger after D. Teniers, the younger.
  • The Wellcome Research Institution's building, Euston Road, London: the stairwell in the Hall of Statuary of the Wellcome Historical Medical Museum. Photograph.
  • An ornate garden obelisk with a scene of figures round a large fire carved on the base. Etching by J. Schynvoet after S. Schynvoet, early 18th century.
  • The Wellcome Research Institution, Euston Road, London: a reconstruction of a French pharmacy, 1935-1946. Photograph.
  • Nymphs holding the new born Adonis next to a myrrh tree representing Myrrha his mother amidst great rural splendor. Engraving by G. Scotin after F. Boucher.
  • A marble urn. Etching by G.B. Piranesi, ca. 1770.
  • A surgeon instructing a younger surgeon how to bleed a male patient's foot, a woman is comforting the patient. Engraving, 1586.
  • An old soldier with a wooden leg telling a family about his experiences. Etching by W. Matthews after S. Jennen.
  • A surgeon applying the method of cupping to a man's back: they are surrounded by anxious family and friends. Etching by A. Fantuzzi, ca. 1542, after G. Romano.
  • A midwife wrapping the Virgin Mary in swaddling clothes after receiving her first bath, Anna is recuperating in bed. Engraving by P. de Surugue after Pietro da Cortona.
  • A surgeon treating an elderly man's foot, in the background an assistant is mixing a concoction with a pestle and mortar. Lithograph after D. Teniers, the younger.