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348 results filtered with: Sexually Transmitted Diseases - prevention & control
  • En 1981, la maladie apparaissait... : 30 ans après, la lutte contre le sida reste capitale : l'expo Sex in the City s'installe à Bastille du 19 novembre au 4 décembre / Solidarité Sida en partenariat avec la Mairie de Paris.
  • Condoms can prevent AIDS, cervical cancer, chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis, other S.T.D.s & pregnancy especially when used with a spermicide / LHB.
  • Durex / Reckitt Benckiser Healthcare (UK) Limited.
  • Durex / Reckitt Benckiser Healthcare (UK) Limited.
  • Guide de prévention / Rainbhôpital.
  • Cover me : sexual health is important for men : look after  your... sexual health safe and use a condom / Health Education Authority.
  • Men now... Take Care / HIV/AIDS Team, Lothian Health Board.
  • Sex symbol : le préservatif est le seul moyen de se protéger du VIH et des autres infections sexuellement transmissibles / SNEG.
  • Tell your friends about this condom/pill pack : to get one, they just neeed to ask their GP or family planning doctor / Lothian Health.
  • Ce soir tu risques de sucer Larry qui a sucé Grégoire qui a sucé Fred et Sylvain qui ont sucé Pierre et Philippe qui ont sucé ... / Ministère de la Santé et des Sports ; INPES, Institut National de Prévention et d'Éducation pour la Santé.
  • Jo's party tonight, what shall I wear? : He'll be there, must look good, watch the drink, could be the night, better be ready, better be safe : take a condom just in case / Health Education Authority.
  • Chlamydia trachomatis / Service Interuniversitaire de Médicine Préventative, Promotion de la Santé.
  • ACCEPTESS-T : Actions Concrètes Conciliant education, Prévention, Travail, Equité, Santé, Sport pour les Transgenres : beatus qui prodest quibus potest : heureux qui vient se rendre utile à ceux qu'il peut aider / ACCEPTESS-T.
  • Tu suces? #1, Sex anatomy / Le Kiosque Infos Sida.
  • How to use Durex condoms / produced by LRC Products Ltd., Durex Information Service for Sexual Health.
  • Durex : tried and trusted by millions of people world-wide, Durex is the world's leading condom brand / SSL International.
  • Er Raj, I think we should use a condom : Why have a sweetie in it's wrapper Gita? : Listen to her Raj ... look what happened to me the last time you didn't use a condom! / NPL, The Naz Project, an HIV/AIDS service for the South Asian, Middle Eastern & North African communities ; illustrations by Gas Coley.
  • Durex / Reckitt Benckiser Healthcare (UK) Limited.
  • The condom : doing the right thing : an illustrated guide to using Durex condoms / Durex Contraception Information Service.
  • I can be invisible and damage your health : I'm a sexually transmitted infection : see to it / CHAPS.
  • De una vez por todas! : Metete esto en la cabeza!! Condones / NPL, The Naz Project, an HIV/AIDS service for the South Asian, Middle Eastern, North African and other excluded communities ; illustrations by Gas Coley.
  • Good sex: healthy sex : what everyone should know about STDs / Durex Information Service for Sexual Health, LRC Products Ltd.
  • Tu suces? #2, Pipe profiler / Le Kiosque Infos Sida.
  • Défoncé? : Sans le Sida et les IST ... quoique tu prennes, protège-toi / Ex aequo.
  • Condoms make it safer.
  • But that's double Dutch! / Brook Advisory Centres.
  • ACCEPTESS-T : Actions Concrètes Conciliant education, Prévention, Travail, Equité, Santé, Sport pour les Transgenres : beatus qui prodest quibus potest : heureux qui vient se rendre utile à ceux qu'il peut aider / ACCEPTESS-T.
  • Men now... Take Care / HIV/AIDS Team, Lothian Health Board.
  • Limited entry, correct dress only : Nowadays, when you have sex, you need to protect yourself. Condoms are the only sure way ... / Durex Information Service for Sexual Health.
  • Condoms make it safer.