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178 results filtered with: Hygiene
  • A man vomiting and with diarrhoea owing to infected water; and four scenes related to the results of water infection. Colour lithograph, 1952 (?).
  • A lady holding a fan in her right hand: an animal jumps out of her wig and bites the barber on the nose, forcing him to wear a black patch. Woodcut and letterpress.
  • A man sneezing in a cinema, showing the use of handkerchiefs to prevent infectious diseases. Colour lithograph after H.M. Bateman, ca. 1951.
  • Common sicknesses of people with HIV and AIDS / Khomanani.
  • Life force : taking positive action : HIV positive people can help themselves stay healthy / text by Jane Elven ; layout by Amy Adams Ellerman.
  • Equation : labour light, clothes white = Sunlight / Lever Brothers Limited.
  • Verses for children about measuring dogs (left); details of Sparkla cleaning product and Nubolic soap. Lithographs.
  • An illustrated list of ways in which people can be protected from AIDS, from washing their hands to sterilising euipqment properly; an AIDS prevention advertisement by the AIDS Control Cell of the Directorate of Health Service, Goverment of New Delhi. Colour lithograph by Ravi Chopra, ca. 1995.
  • Sunlight soap : for mother / Lever Brothers Ltd. ; Fred Pegram [illustrator].
  • "Sunlight" : in sympathy : Sunlight Soap is in sympathy with the joys of women ... / Lever Brothers Ltd.
  • Common sicknesses of people with HIV and AIDS / Khomanani.
  • Keep safe : practical, everyday advice for HIV-infected people and their carers / produced by Department of Health.
  • "A child can use it!" : Sunlight Soap / Lever Brothers.
  • Graphology ... : for the users of Sunlight soap / [Lever Brothers Ltd.].
  • Vim you see in sizes three, every size saves L.s.d / Lever Brothers Limited.
  • You need not open the door so frequently for the doctor if you would always use Sunlight Soap, Lifebuoy Soap ... / [Lever Brothers Ltd.].
  • AIDS : guidelines for ear piercers : don't die of ignorance / prepared by the Department of Health and Social Security and the Central Office of Information.
  • "Golden progress in the east", Shakespeare : from Land's End to John O'Groat's ... Sunlight Soap is fulfilling its promises of cleanliness and comfort... / Lever Brothers Ltd.
  • AIDS and the workplace / NUPE Public Service Workers.
  • "I shan't be long, mother's using Sunlight".
  • AIDS and the workplace / NUPE Health Service Staff.
  • The castel of helth / gathered and made by Syr Thomas Elyot knyghte, out of the chiefe authors of physyke, wherby euery manne may knowe the state of his owne body, the preservation of helth, and how to instructe welle his physytion in syckenes that he be not deceyued.
  • "Sunlight" : in sympathy : Sunlight Soap is in sympathy with the joys of women ... / Lever Brothers Ltd.
  • Use Calvert's carbolic fluid, powder & soaps : the most effective disinfectants / F.C. Calvert & Co.
  • Two women at a wash-basin; to the right is a man with the attributes of an initiate of Dionysus. Gouache painting by S.W. Kelly, 1937.
  • Life force : taking positive action : HIV positive people can help themselves stay healthy / text by Jane Elven ; layout by Amy Adams Ellerman.
  • Keep safe : practical, everyday advice for HIV-infected people and their carers / produced by Department of Health.
  • Old and gray, young and gay, work or play, every day- use "Sunlight" / Lever Brothers Limited.
  • A naked woman steps out of a bath and dries her feet, sitting on a chair. Collotype after Eadweard Muybridge, 1887.
  • School children visiting a segregated corrugated toilet and washing their hands: hygiene in Kenya. Colour lithograph by Ministry of Health, ca. 2000.