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138 results filtered with: God
  • The newly married couple, Princess Yasodhara and Bodhisatta
  • The fourth day of Creation: God creates the sun, moon and stars. Line engraving by Thomas de Leu.
  • The six stages of the Creation as described in the first chapter of Genesis. Etching, ca. 1790.
  • Cover for Volume 2 in red tooled leather with text in gold
  • Satan and the sons of God appear before God and challenge him to induce Job to curse God. Engraving by P .Galle, 1563, after M. van Heemskerck.
  • The procession to the ploughing ceremony
  • Children playing with various toys, in the background are paintings of the Creation and the creation of Adam. Engraving by A. Bosse, 1636.
  • The first day of Creation: God, borne by a cloud, divides the light from the darkness. Line engraving by T. de Leu after M. de Vos.
  • The monk Phra Malai receives a lotus bouquet from a poor woodcutter (left) and receives alms offerings from lay people (right). This manuscript depicts the visits to heaven and hell by Phra Malai
  • The first day of Creation: God, borne by a cloud, divides the light from the darkness. Line engraving by T. de Leu after M. de Vos.
  • (Left) The queen gives birth to the Bodhisatta.
  • A regal Mary (or Wisdom?), as the Church of the Last Judgement, flanked by angels. Line engraving by T. de Leu.
  • A woman plays music to a stag; God condemns Adam and Eve to exile; representing the sense of hearing. Engraving by N. de Bruyn after M. de Vos.
  • Christ being circumcised in a crowded temple; God is visible with the angels in the sky heralding the start of the Passion. Etching by BM, 1793, after Titian (?).
  • The first day of Creation: God, borne by a cloud, divides the light from the darkness. Line engraving by T. de Leu after M. de Vos.
  • (Left) The King and the court watch the spectacle
  • God appears radiantly behind a black cloud as Moses swings an incense burner; four people are washing their feet and hands in preparation. Etching.
  • God creates man and woman. Line engraving by E. Charpy after J. Sadeler.
  • Two cherubim (?) in a garden pointing to the sky from where an angel looks down on the busy gardeners. Etching by J. Miller after himself.
  • A poor woodcutter picks lotus flowers in a pond (right) and presents them to the monk Phra Malai (left)
  • The heavens open on the day of judgement; Christ appears above the coast of the Netherlands. Engraving, 16th century.
  • A herald reads from a black parabaik and announces that Prince Siddhattha will prove he is proficientt in the art of shooting arrows, archery to the people
  • At the bidding of God, Eve ascends praying from Adam's side. Engraving by A. Capellan, 1772, after Michelangelo.
  • Adam and Eve conceal their nakedness; in the distance they receive clothes from God. Line engraving by J. Haeyler after C. van den Broeck.
  • God creates the sun, moon and earth. Etching by H. Moses after A. Canova.
  • King Suddhodana asks brahmins to intertret the Queen's dream.
  • Men build the ark while revellers play; God supervises. Engraving.
  • Adam and Eve committing the primal sin; representing the origin of AIDS. Colour lithograph after Pavel Beneš, 1991.
  • MS Thai 3, two leaves
  • A female figure with bowls of fruit and a monkey; Eve picks the apple from the tree of knowledge; representing the sense of taste. Engraving by N. de Bruyn after M. de Vos.