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57 results filtered with: Ethnography
  • All types of clubs from Oceania.
  • Amuletic objects of stone to ensure fertility, Bolivia. In the form of square plaques, decorated.
  • Amuletic objects of stone to ensure fertility, Bolivia. In the form of a group of animals. Photographed to show their heads.
  • Bai Sharen couple on a hunting and fishing trip.
  • Woodens clubs, including two throwing clubs, from Figi
  • Kenyan dart-poison including scoring upas trees etc.
  • Pipe, argillite shale, very fine carving with intricately interlacing totemic figures of animals and supernatural creatures. Collected by the late Mr. George Roberts of Hudson's bay company. Haida Indians, North West Coast of America, Queen Charlotte Islands.
  • Map of South Africa, showing sites of Bushman drawings.
  • Woodens clubs, 1,3,6,7 from Tonga and 2,4,5 from Samoa
  • Rain charms- DOIOM from Expeditions to the Torres Straits
  • Map of Huoqing zhou, in Lijiang Prefecture, Yunnan Provonce. The Poyi live in the Huoqing area. The pictorial map shows the walled city in the centre. The places in the surroundings are tagged by their Chinese names.
  • Shrunken heads with strings from mouth.
  • Pandanjiru, a man having the "Evil-Eye"
  • Woodens clubs (A-E) from the Solomon Islands: A) Mabita; B) San Cristoval; C) Ysabel; D) Florida; E) Malita
  • 17th century astrological amulet against disease, Germany
  • Nuzi hunting with bow and arrow
  • Swazie witch-doctor, smelling out a sorcerer
  • Seat supported by standing figures and elephant heads, the back of leopards, with 2 figures riding leopards as side supports. Grasslands, possibly Bali, Cameroons, West Africa.
  • White River Apache Medicine Man and other images.
  • Amuletic objects of stone to ensure fertility, Bolivia. In the form of a group of animals. Photographed to show their heads.
  • Poyi (Poren) working in the field
  • WMS OR Chinese MS 103
  • Chinese manuscript Yun-nan ying chih Miao-Man t'u ts'e.
  • Amuletic objects of stone to ensure fertility, Bolivia. In the form of a group of animals. Photographed to show the top of the group.
  • Oubangui-Chari girl, French Equatorial Africa.
  • Lolo tribsemen, one of the non-Han ethnic groups in Yunnan, Sichuan and Guizhou provinces of south China. Noted for horsemanship and archery.
  • Swaziland: two young men seated, one of them smoking hemp