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61 results filtered with: Buddhist
  • Life of Buddha Burmese Manuscript 22, Volume 1
  • A bohisattva seated on a platform
  • A herald reads from a black parabaik and announces
  • Cover for Volume 3 in red tooled leather with text in gold
  • MS Thai 3, detail from one of the leaves
  • Prince Siddhattha is shown travelling to a park in a palanquin drawn by courtiers and soldiers. On his way Prince Siddhattha, Bodhisatta, sees three signs of the four that would turn him into Buddha, an old man, a sick man and a corpse, and that lead to his renunciation of secular life.
  • Sanscrit MS epsilon 2, palm leaf MS from Nor
  • Devas announce the coming of a Buddha.
  • MS Thai 3, four leaves
  • Tibetan MS 42, leaves from a musical score
  • (Left) King Suddhodana asks brahmins to intertret the Queen's
  • (Left) The predictions of the brahmins,
  • Thorn tree for punishment of adultry (top left) and ghouls in hell with Phra Malai above them (top right), the poor woodcutter picks lotus flowers in a pond (bottom right) and presents them to Phra Malai (bottom left)
  • King Suddhodana, courtiers and other men pay their respects to Bodhisatta, siting on a swing in the lotus possition, a second time
  • The procession of Princes Yasodhara, seated in a palanquin and surrounded by soldiers and courtesans, arriving for her marriage to Prince Siddhattha, Bodhisatta. In the procession are minor officials, musician, soldiers, ministers and spectators
  • Pancaraksa, AD 1653, Ranjana script, Mahamayun
  • Thorn tree for punishment of adultry (top left) and ghouls in hell with Phra Malai above them (top right), the poor woodcutter picks lotus flowers in a pond (bottom right) and presents them to Phra Malai (bottom left)
  • The birth tale of Candakumara: on the left, the god Indra descends from heaven to destroy a ceremonial parasol marking an evil ceremony created in order to sacrifice the hero Prince Candakumara. To the right Candakumara on the throne; he is about to be sacrificed on a pyre by the three evil brahimns who are seated before him
  • (Left) Princess Yasodhara points to Prince Siddhattha, Bodhisatta performing feats of archery. (Right) The demonstration of the archery skills of Prince Siddhattha, showing three, (top right) of the twelve feats as in the Sarabhanga Jataka, one of the stories of the former lives of Buddha.
  • The procession to the ploughing ceremony
  • Illustrated Sinhalese covers (inside) showing the events between the Bodhisatta's renunciation and the request by Brahna Sahampati that he teach the Docrine after he becomes a Buddha.
  • Burmese-Pali Manuscript.
  • The queen stops on the way to Devadaha, in Lumbinin Park to admire sal trees, and gives birth to Prince Siddhattha
  • The monk Phra Malai receiving a lotus bouquet, from a poor woodcutter, to carry up to heaven to offer at the Chulamani Pagoda or Chedi (Detail of left side)
  • Illustrated Sinhalese covers (inside) showing the events
  • The god Narada descending from heaven to dispel evil doctrines (left). To his right a princess on the throne and, with two attendants, prays for help from heaven. This story of Nerada is one of the last ten birth tales of the Buddha's previous livess
  • Pancaraksa, AD 1653, Ranjana script
  • The monk Phra Malai converses with Indra in heaven next to Chulamani Pagoda (left) and a bodhisttva with attendants in heaven (right)
  • The monk Phra Malai and the god Indra conversing
  • A poor woodcutter picks lotus flowers in a pond (detail of right side)