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164 results filtered with: Ambulances
  • Boer War: Indian ambulance bearers under fire. Process print after R. Caton Woodville.
  • [British charity stamp showing Britannia, supporting a wounded soldier amidst battlefield carnage, watching an approaching, horse-drawn Red Cross ambulance].
  • [Leaflet about the American Red Cross headquarters in Washington, D.C., its history and its museums areas].
  • Serbo-Turkish War: wounded Serbian soldiers leaving Aleksinac. Coloured wood engraving after A.C. Corbould, 1876.
  • Diary of transference / [War Office].
  • Russo-Turkish War: wounded Russian soldiers being brought back to the rear at the siege of Plevna. Wood engraving by C.Roberts after I. Montagu, 1877.
  • Two soldiers carrying a wounded comrade off the battlefield. Coloured lithograph by C. de Lasteyrie after J.H. Marlet, 1817.
  • Franco-Prussian War: the wounded French from the Sedan Campaign. Wood engraving by RWB (?).
  • Crimean War: the siege of Sebastopol, collecting the wounded using Dr. Smith's new hospital ambulances. Wood engraving.
  • British Red Cross Society 1914 : [man in uniform driving horse-drawn ambulance wagon].
  • One of our relief stations with British voluntary lady workers  / British Committee of the French Red Cross.
  • Boer War: a wounded Boer General prisoner being taken off the ship at Cape Town. Process print after F. de Haenen after Fyne.
  • Boer War: bringing in the wounded the Willow Grange fight. Process print.
  • Carlist War, Spain: Spanish sick and wounded being carried on board the "Somorrostro". Wood engraving by I. Nash.
  • Serbo-Turkish War: English surgeons going with ambulances to the Battle of Alexinatz. Wood engraving, 1876.
  • An ambulance corps at work in the field. Halftone.
  • [Leaflet about the American Red Cross headquarters in Washington, D.C., its history and its museums areas].
  • A military doctor / J.S. Virtue & Co. Ltd.
  • Boer War: wounded soldiers returning to Ladysmith camp after a battle. Reproduction after a watercolour by F. Dadd after photograph.
  • Boer War: a nurse helping invalids to an ambulance for transfer to Maritzburg from Ladysmith. Process print after a drawing by F. Dadd after W.T. Maud.
  • Crimean War: Dr. Bretts' ambulance litter. Wood engraving.
  • Crimean War: Florence Nightingale at the Scutari Hospital. Line engraving by G. Greatbach after J. Hind.
  • Chinese carrying a wounded man on stretcher poles. Wood engraving.
  • [Leaflet outlining what the British Red Cross Society does, giving their peacetime aims (after WW2)].
  • Crimean War, Balaklava: embarkation of the sick. Coloured lithograph by E. Morin, 1855, after W. Simpson.
  • Boer War: first aid to the wounded on the battlefield at Colenso. Process print after J.J. Waugh.
  • Boer War: the wounded and dead being brought in after the Battle of Pepworth Hill. Process print.
  • Carlist War, Spain: wounded soldiers being carried down from the Heights opposite Andoain. Wood engraving.
  • [Leaflet about the American Red Cross headquarters in Washington, D.C., its history and its museums areas].
  • Boer War: thirsty ambulance men queuing up at a beer tent. Process print by Swain after F. Dadd after A. Lindsay Twite.