
Library computer use policy

You can use your laptop and other mobile devices in the library for research and study. If you're a library member you can also use the library computers, borrow a laptop and use printing facilities according to these guidelines.

Computer and internet access are provided free of charge to library members in order to support study and research activity relevant to the history and understanding of medicine. All computer use and internet access on library premises, whether on library-owned or private equipment, is subject to this policy.


  • You will need your library card number or username to borrow a laptop or log in to the system.
  • You must not lend your library card to anyone else nor reveal your card number, username or password to anyone else.
  • This policy will be reviewed regularly to ensure that it remains up to date and relevant.


  • The library provides some networked desktop computers.
  • Computers are normally available for sessions lasting up to one hour.
  • One of our desktop computers is equipped with assistive software for users with visual impairments.


  • The library provides some networked loanable laptops.
  • Laptops are normally available for sessions lasting up to one hour.
  • All library laptops are equipped with built-in assistive software to accommodate reasonable adjustments.

Internet access

  • Networked computers are not for recreational use.
  • The sole permitted use of the internet via library computers is for study and research related to our collections.
  • You will be asked to vacate a computer if you are using it for purposes unconnected to your reasonable research and study needs.
  • Internet activity is monitored by Wellcome, and all external internet access is logged by the gateway system.
  • It is your responsibility to ensure that your use of the internet and of electronic resources complies with copyright law, as well as with usage restrictions imposed by database and e-journal providers.


  • Some of the library’s computers offer word processing and other office software. The sole permitted use of these is for study and research activity relevant to our collections.
  • It is not possible to save anything to networked computers. You are responsible for saving your own work to a removable device.
  • The use of memory sticks is permitted, but users are reminded of their obligation to observe copyright law.

Unacceptable use of computers and the internet

  • Use of the internet (including the transmission or receiving of any material) in violation of English law is prohibited. This includes, but is not limited to, infringement of copyrighted material, and transmitting or receiving threatening or obscene material, pornographic material or material protected by trade secrets.
  • Use for any commercial purpose is prohibited.
  • Users should not interfere with or disrupt network users, services or equipment. Disruptions include but are not limited to: distribution of unsolicited advertising, propagation of computer worms or viruses, software piracy, copyright violation, and using the network to attempt to make unauthorised access to any computer, computer system or restricted data files. Users may not falsely represent themselves as another person.
  • The internet equipment and software must be used as installed on library computers. Users are not permitted to add, delete or modify the installed hardware or software, nor to change preference settings.

Penalties for misuse

  • Wellcome Collection reserves the right to deny wifi access to visitors who infringe this policy.
  • Theft, damage, introduction of viruses or other misuse of a library computer will result in the immediate withdrawal of your library membership. If deemed liable, you will be charged to cover the cost of repair or replacement of hardware and/or software.


  • The internet is a global electronic network and the Wellcome Trust is not responsible for the accuracy, validity, legality or usefulness of information available.
  • The Wellcome Trust is not responsible for any viruses and software designed to damage equipment and networks that you may encounter while connected to Wellcome wifi.
  • The Wellcome Trust will not be liable for copyright or any other violations of UK laws committed by internet users.
  • It is your responsibility to check that your work has been saved.
  • Wellcome Collection cannot be held responsible for lost data.
  • The library is not responsible for the non-availability of any online resource.