Hard Graft: Work, Health and Rights

Stop 1/12: How to use this digital guide

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Hello and welcome to the first stop of this guide to ‘Hard Graft: Work, Health & Rights’. My name is Cindy Sissokho, I am the curator of the exhibition, and I am going to explain how this guide works.

There are 12 stops, ranging from around four minutes to six minutes long.

This first stop provides information about access resources. To skip to information about the exhibition, go to Stop 2, which is an introduction to the exhibition and to a silent film by artist Adelita Husni-Bey. Stop 2 is just inside the glass entrance doors, on the wall to your right.

In stops 3 to 12 I will talk about some of the key works in the exhibition. You will also hear from some of the artists. This is combined with some visual description of the artworks.

You have accessed the guide by scanning a QR code. You can also access the audio information by picking up one of the handheld players and a headset from the pick-up station on the wall, where Stop 1 is located. 

A white tactile floor line is designed to support wayfinding between the stops. When you arrive at an artwork which has a stop, this is indicated on the floor by a grey square with raised dots.

You will find a tactile QR code and stop number within arm’s reach of the grey square. The QR codes are circular dark green discs, 18 cm in diameter, with a tactile number at the top. They are located either on the wall, on a freestanding label holder next to the work, or on the work itself.

If you need any assistance, there are three members of our team in the gallery, one in each section, wearing a black Wellcome Collection top. 

The floor line from the main entrance brings you to a dark green pick-up station, which is on the right side of the floor line as you stand on it.

At the left end of this pick-up station you will find a screen with a BSL introduction, and shelves with several different printed guides. A white, A4-sized large-print guide includes a map of the floor line, as well as a list of all the digital guide stops. You will also find a green, A4-sized visual story booklet. This provides pre-visit information about the exhibition, using images, symbols and short written explanations. There is also a yellow, A4-sized paper map of sensory elements in the exhibition, such as bright lights or sound.

As you follow the tactile floor line towards the entrance, there is a sofa on your right-hand side. There is more seating throughout the exhibition, which will be indicated in some of the stops. There are also folding seats that can be picked up just inside the exhibition entrance, to your right.

The tactile floor line will finish at Stop 12, in the last room of the exhibition.

The next stop is an introduction to the exhibition. With the pick-up station on your right, follow the tactile floor line to the tactile square for Stop 2, which is just inside the exhibition entrance, on the wall to your right. Note that the glass doors are quite heavy, and the flooring inside the exhibition is brown carpet.

This is the end of Stop 1.