Hay, D.
- Books
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A treatise of all sorts of foods ... / translated by D. Hay. To which is added an introduction treating of foods in general.
Lémery, Louis, 1677-1743Date: 1745- Books
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A treatise of foods, in general: first, the difference and choice which ought to be made of each sort in particular. Secondly, the good and ill effects produced by them. Thirdly, the principles wherewith they abound. And, fourthly, the time, age and constitution they suit with. To which are added, remarks upon each chapter; wherein their nature and uses are explained, according to the principles of chymistry and mechanism. Written in French ... Now done into English [by D. Hay] / [Louis Lémery].
Lémery, Louis, 1677-1743Date: 1704- Books
A treatise of all sorts of foods, both animal and vegetable: also of drinkables: giving an account how to chuse the best sort of all kinds; of the good and bad effects they produce; the principles they abound with; the time, age, and constitution they are adapted to. Wherin their nature and use is explain'd according to the sentiments of the most eminent physicians and naturalists, antient and modern ... / Written originally in French, by the learned M.L. Lemery ... Translated by D. Hay. To which is added, an introduction treating of foods in general.
Lémery, Louis, 1677-1743.Date: 1745