Islip, Adam, -1639
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The theatre of Gods judgements: : Reuised and augmented. VVherein is represented the admirable justice of God against all notorious sinners, both great and small; but especially against the most eminent persons of the world, whose transcendent power breaketh thorow the barres of humane iustice; deduced by the order of the Commandements. Collected out of sacred, ecclesiasticall, and prophane histories. Now thirdly printed, and encreased with many more examples. / By the first author thereof, Tho. Beard, Doctor of Diuinitie, and preacher of the word of God in the towne of Huntington.
Beard, Thomas, -1632.Date: 1631- Books
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Maison rustique, or, the countrey farme / compyled in the French tongue by Charles Steuens, and Iohn Liebault ... and translated into English by Richard Surflet ... Now newly reuiewed, corrected, and augmented, with diuers large additions, out of the works of Serres his Agriculture, Vinet his Maison champestre, French, Albyterio [i.e. the 'Libro de albeyteria' of F. de la Reyna] in Spanish, Grilli [i.e. Gallo?] in Italian, and other authors. And the husbandry of France, Italie, and Spaine reconciled and made to agree with ours here in England: by Geruase Markham.
Estienne, Charles, 1504-approximately 1564.Date: 1616- Books
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The herball, or, Generall historie of plantes / gathered by John Gerarde ... ; very much enlarged and amended by Thomas Johnson.
Gerard, John, 1545-1612.Date: 1636