Conscience--Religious aspects--Christianity
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A childe of light vvalking in darknes: or A treatise shewing the causes, by which God leaves his children to distresse of conscience. The cases, wherein [God leaves his children to distresse of conscience.] The ends, for which [God leaves his children to distresse of conscience.] : Together vvith directions how to walke, so as to come forth of such a condition. VVith other observations upon Esay 50. 10, and 11. verses. By Tho: Goodwin B.D.
Goodwin, Thomas, 1600-1680Date: 1638- Books
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The anatomie of conscience : Or a threefold reuelation of those three most secret bookes: 1. The booke of Gods prescience. 2. The booke of mans conscience. 3. The booke of life. In a sermon preached at the generall assises holden at Derby, in Lent last. 1623. By Immanuel Bourne.
Bourne, Immanuel, 1590-1672Date: 1623- Books
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[T]he triumph of a Christian : contayning three excellent and heauenly treatises, 1. Iacobs wrestling with God, 2. The conduit of comfort, 3. A preparatiue for the Lords Supper : full of sweet consolations for all that desire the comfortable sweetnesse of Iesus Christ, and necessary for those vvho are troubled in conscience / written by that vvorthy man Mr. William Cowper.
Cowper, William, 1568-1619Date: 1609- Books
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Therapeutica sacra : shewing briefly, the method of healing the diseases of the conscience concerning regeneration / written in Latine by David Dickson ... and thereafter translated by him.
Dickson, David, 1583?-1663Date: 1697- Books
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Deaths knell, or, The sicke mans passing-bell : summoning all sick consciences to p[re]pare themselves for the comming of the gre[at] day of doome, lest mercies gate be shut against them. Fit for all those that desire to arrive at the heavently Jerusalem. : Whereunto are added prayers fit for housholders. / Written by W. Perkins.
Perkins, William, 1558-1602Date: 1637