Lanfranco, of Milan, active 13th century
By this person (23)
About this person (8)
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Lanfranks Chirurgia parva in der Abschrift Konrad Schrecks von Aschaffenburg / vorgelegt von Armin Berg.
Lanfranco, of Milan, active 13th century.Date: 1975- Books
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A most excellent and learned vvoorke of chirurgerie, called Chirurgia parua Lanfranci : Lanfranke of Mylayne his briefe: reduced from dyuers translations to our vulgar or vsuall frase, and now first published in the Englyshe prynte by Iohn Halle chirurgien. Who hath thervnto necessarily annexed. A table, as wel of the names of diseases and simples with their vertues, as also of all other termes of the arte opened. ... And in the ende a compendious worke of anatomie ... An historiall expostulation also against the beastly abusers, both of chyrurgerie and phisicke in our tyme: with a goodly doctrine, and instruction, necessary to be marked and folowed of all true chirurgie[n]s. All these faithfully gathered, and diligently set forth, by the sayde Iohn Halle.
Lanfranco, of Milan, active 13th centuryDate: An. 1565- Books
The English mans-treasure. With the true anatomie of mans body / compiled by ... Thomas Vicary ... Whereunto are annexed many secrets appertaining to chyrurgery, with divers excellent approved remedies for all captaines and souldiers, that travell eyther by water or land: and likewise for all diseases ... with emplaisters of speciall cure: with other potions and drinkes approved in physicke. Also the rare treasure of the English bathes: written by William Turner ... Gathered and set forth ... by William Bremer ... And now eighthly augmented and enlarged, with almost a thousand approved waters and medicines ... as also oyntments and plaisters: with especiall ... remedies for the plague ... by W[illiam] B[oraston] practitioner in physicke and chyrurgerie.
Vicary, Thomas, -1561Date: 1633- Books
Cyrurgia Guidonis de Cauliaco. De balneis Porectanis / [auctore Tura de Castello]. Cyrurgia Bruni. Theodorici. Rolandini. Rogerii. Lanfranci. Bertapalie. Jesu Hali de oculis. Canamusali de Baldac de oculis.
Guy, de Chauliac, approximately 1300-1368Date: 1513- Books
Ein nutzlichs Wundartzney Büchlin ... aus fürbit des ... Gregorii Fleugaus ... Dabey viel bewerter Recepten, heylsamer Salben und Ertzneyen, ein Auszug, bisher von obgenantem M. Gregorio ... behalten ... / [Lanfranco].
Lanfranco, of Milan, active 13th century.Date: 1529