The artist's vade mecum: or The most useful arts and sciences improv'd and made easie : Containing 1. The curious art of dialing, in drawing and placing all sorts of sun-dials by a true or more exact rule than hitherto found out. 2. Geometry applied to the most profitable arts of surveying, measuring timber, or any solid bodies; gauging casks, brewers tuns, wine-vessels, &c. 3. Finding the length and circumference answering any arch, in degrees and decimal parts. 4. The area or segments of a circle, whose whole area is unity, to the ten thousandth of the diameter; with many other useful tables, ready stated. 5. A compleat body of astronomy, or a view of the caelestial globe; places of the sun, moon, and fixed stars, the names of the most noted stars, in what signs they are posited; their longitude and latitude, &c. The doctrine of the primum mobile, and the account of time rectified and freed from error; compared with the Julian and Gregorian calenders. : To which is added, A compleat body of geography; describing all the empires, kingdoms, and states in the known parts of Europe, Asia, Africa and America. The like never before made publick; illustrated with 14 copper-plates. / By Dr. Colton.
Colton, H., Dr. | Date: 1698