Hill, Robert, -1623
- Books
- Online
The path-vvay to pietie : Containing, 1. Christs prayer expounded. p. 1 2. A communicant instructed 213 3. A direction to liue well. 329 4. A direction to die well. 401 By R. Hill, D. in D.
Hill, Robert, -1623Date: 1629- Books
- Online
The pathvvay to prayer, and pietie : containing, 1 An exposition of the Lords Prayer. 2 A preparation to the Lords Supper. 3 A direction to a Christian life. 4 An instruction to a Christian death. With diuers prayers, and thanksgiuings, fit for this treatise. By Robert Hill, Doctor in Diuinitie.
Hill, Robert, -1623Date: 1610- Books
- Online
The path-way to prayer and pietie : containing, 1. An exposition of the Lords prayer, 2. A preparation to the Lords Supper, 3. A direction to a Christian life, 4. An instruction to a Christian death : with divers prayers and thankesgiuings fit for this treatise / by Robert Hill.
Hill, Robert, -1623Date: 1609- Books
- Online
The path-way to pietie : containing, 1. Christs prayer expounded ..., 2. A communicant instructed ..., 3. A direction to live well ..., 4. A direction to die well ... / by R. Hill.
Hill, Robert, -1623Date: 1629- Books
- Online
Christs prayer expounded, a Christian directed, and a communicant prepared : The first teaching to pray, the second to liue, the third to receiue the sacrament of Christs body. To which is added, a preface of prayer, a pithie prayer for Christian families. A thankes giuing for our deliuerance from treason by gunpowder, and learned Latin verses of that argument. By Robert Hill, preacher at Saint Martins in the fields.
Hill, Robert, -1623Date: 1606