Campbell, John
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Memoirs of the Duke de Ripperda: first embassador from the States-General to his most Catholick Majesty, then Duke and Grandee of Spain; afterwards Bashaw and Prime Minister to Muly Abdalla, Emperor of Fez and Morocco, &c. Containing a succinct account of
Campbell, John- E-books
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Petition for John Campbell of Calder, Esq
Campbell, John- E-books
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The rational amusement: comprehending a collection of letters on a great variety of subjects, serious, entertaining, moral, diverting, and instructive. Interspersed with essays, and some little Pieces of History, more especially adapted to exercise the Un
Campbell, John- E-books
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Minutes of the public proceedings of a general court-martial, as held at the Castle of Dublin, on Monday the 21st of July, 1788, and Continued by Adjournment to the 12th of August following, on John Campbell, Esq. Lieutenant-Colonel of the 9th Regiment of
Campbell, John- E-books
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The present state of Europe. Explaining the interests, connections, political and commercial views of its several powers, ... Originally begun in the Musæum, and now, ... revised and compleated by the same author
Campbell, John