Ross, Alexander, 1591-1654
- Books
Arcana microcosmi; or, the hid secrets of mans body disclosed: first, in an anatomatical [sic] duel between Aristotle and Galen, about the parts thereof. Secondly, by a discovery of the ... diseases, symptomes, and accidents of mans body. With a refutation of Doctor Browns Vulgar errors. And the ancient opinions vindicated ... / [Alexander Ross].
Ross, Alexander, 1591-1654.Date: 1651- Books
- Online
The philosophicall touch-stone: or Observations upon Sir Kenelm Digbie's Discourses of the nature of bodies and of the reasonable soule : In which his erroneous paradoxes are refuted, the truth, and Aristotelian philosophy vindicated, the immortality of mans soule briefly, but sufficiently proved. And the weak fortifications of a late Amsterdam ingeneer, patronizing The soules mortality, briefly slighted. / By Alexander Ross.
Ross, Alexander, 1591-1654Date: 1645- Books
- Online
The new planet no planet: or, The earth no wandring star except in the wandring heads of Galileans : Here out of the principles of divinity, philosophy, astronomy, reason, and sense, the earth's immobility is asserted; the true sense of Scripture in this point, cleared; the fathers and philosophers vindicated; divers theologicall and philosophicall points handled, and Copernicus his opinion, as erroneous, ridiculous, and impious, fully refuted. / By Alexander Rosse. In answer to a discourse, that the earth may be a planet.
Ross, Alexander, 1591-1654Date: 1646- Books
- Online
The new planet no planet: or, The earth no wandring star; except in the wandring heads of Galileans : Here out of the principles of divinity, philosophy, astronomy, reason, and sense, the earth's immobility is asserted; the true sense of Scripture in this point, cleared; the fathers and philosophers vindicated; divers theologicall and philosophicall points handled, and Copernicus his opinion, as erroneous, ridiculous, and impious, fully refuted. / By Alexander Rosse. In answer to a discourse, that the earth may be a planet.
Ross, Alexander, 1591-1654Date: 1646. [i.e. 1647]- Books
- Online
The new planet no planet: or, the earth no wandring star: except in the wandring heads of Galileans. Here out of the principles of divinity, philosophy, astronomy, reason and sense, the earth's immobility is asserted; the true sense of Scripture in the point, cleared; the Fathers and philosophers vindicated; divers theologicall and philosophicall points handled, and Copernicus his opinion as erroneous, ridiculous and impious, fully refuted / By Alexander Rosse. In answer to a discourse, that the earth may be a planet [by J. Wilkins].
Ross, Alexander, 1591-1654Date: 1646