Medical Foundation for AIDs & Sexual Health
- Books
Recommended standards for NHS HIV services / Medical Foundation for AIDS & Sexual Health.
Medical Foundation for AIDs & Sexual HealthDate: [2002]- Books
Your guide to the standards for the management of sexually transmitted infections (STIs).
Date: 2010- Books
Tackling HIV testing : increasing detection and diagnosis : a resource pack for secondary care / Medical Foundation for AIDS & Sexual Health.
Date: [2009]- Books
Progress and priorities : working together for high quality sexual health : review of the National Stategy for Sexual Health and HIV / produced for the Independent Advisory Group on Sexual Health and HIV by Medical Foundation for Aids and Sexual Health (MedFASH) ; report was written for MedFASH by Helen Christophers, Sue Mann.
Christophers, HelenDate: [2008]- Ephemera
- Online
Recommended standards for NHS HIV services : endorsed by Department of Health, British HIV Association, National Association of NHS Providers of AIDS Care and Treatment for Medical Foundation & Sexual Health, a charity supported by the British Medical Association.
Date: 2003