- Pictures
- Online
King George III sits at a table approached by his son, the Prince of Wales. Engraving, 1770.
Date: [May 23 1770]Reference: 583874i- Books
Gesundheit und Krankheit im Spiegel von Petitionen an den Landtag von Baden-Württemberg 1946 bis 1980 / von Sylvelyn Hähner-Rombach.
Hähner-Rombach, Sylvelyn, 1959-Date: 2011- Pictures
The submission of four petitions against the Convention of Cintra. Etching by J. Gillray.
Gillray, James, 1756-1815.Date: [1830]Reference: 585548i- Ephemera
Age of consent emergency- your last chance to act : write for the right to equality : sign the Stonewall postal petition for an equal age of consent / Angela Mason, Stonewall for lesbian and gay equality.
Date: [1999?]- Ephemera
Advice to the Kentish long-tails : by the wise men of Gotham, in answer to their late sawcy petition to the parliament ... signed by the mayor, aldermen, and the Common-Council;all the inhabitants, both men and wpomen, and children, that could make their marks, at the quarter sessions holden at Gotham, in comitatu Essex, the 12th of May.
Brown, Thomas, 1663-1704.Date: [1701?]