J. S. (John Shirley), M.D.
- Books
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A short compendium of chirurgery : containing its grounds & principles : more particularly treating of imposthumes, wounds, ulcers, fractures & dislocations : also a discourse of the generation and birth of man, very necessary to be understood by all midwives and child-bearing women : with the several methods of curing the French pox, the cure of baldness, inflammation of the eyes, and toothach, and an account of blood-letting, cup-setting, and blooding with leeches / by J.S., M.D.
J. S. (John Shirley), M.DDate: 1678- Books
Ein kurtzer Begriff der Wund-Artzeney, welcher in sich begreifft derselben Grunde und Anfänge absonderlich aber handelt von den Apostemen, Wunden, Geschwuren oder Schäden, Brüchen und Verrenkungen. Wie auch ein Discours von der Generation und Gebuhrt des Menschen, dessen Erkäntnus ... Sampt mancherley Arth und Weisen de Frantzosen, ingleichen das Haarausfallen, Entzündung der Augen, und Schmertzen der Zähne zu heilen .. ein Bericht von Aderlassen, Schröpffen und Abziehung des Bluts durch die Blut-Egelen ... / aus dem Englischen ins Teutsche übersetzet durch J.L.M.C. [i.e. Johann Lange].
J. S. (John Shirley), M.DDate: 1679- Books
The accomplished ladies rich closet of rarities: or, the ingenius gentlewoman and servant-maids delightful companion. Containing many excellent things for the accomplishment of the female sex ... (1.) The art of distilling. (2.) Making artificial wines. (3.) Making syrups. ... (8) To make beautifying-waters, oyls, pomatums musk-balls, perfumes, &c. (9) Physical and chyrurgical receipts. (10.) The duty of a wet nurse; and to know and cure diseases in children, &c. ... (14.) The accomplished dairy-maids directions, &c. (15.) The judicious midwives directions, how women in travail before and after delivery ought to be used; as also the child; and what relates to the preservation of them both. To which is added a second part, containing directions for the guidance of a young gentlewomen. As to her behavior & seemly deportment / [J.S. (John Shirley)].
J. S. (John Shirley), M.DDate: 1691- Books
- Online
A short compendium of chirurgery : containing its grounds & principles, more particularly treating of impostumes, wounds, ulcers, fractures, and dislocations. Also a discourse of the generation and birth of man, very necessary to be understood by all midwives and child-bearing women. With the several methods of curing the French pox: the cure of baldness, inflammation of the eyes, and toothach: and an account of blood-letting, cup-setting, and blooding with leeches. The second edition. To which is added, the art of rouling and bolstring: as it is taught by the best masters at Paris, and other places beyond sea. By J.S. M.D.
J. S. (John Shirley), M.DDate: 1683- Books
- Online
A letter to J. K-, M.D. [i.e. John Kelly] with an account of the case of Mr. T-n, of the city of O-d : To which are subjoined, some observations on the ulcered sore throat / By J. S-, M.D. [i.e. John Smith].
J. S. (John Shirley), M.D.Date: 1765