Tilburg, Cornelius
By this person (7)
About this person (1)
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In Bruges-street in Covent-garden, over-against the Kings-Play-House or Rose-Tavern, where you will see the Kings-Arms hang over the balconey, dwelleth, Cornelius a Tilbourn : the famous German physitian and operator, sworn chyrugeon to the late King Charles the II. An now priviledg'd by our gracious soveraign King William, who.
Tilburg, CorneliusDate: [between 1695 and 1700]- Books
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By their Majesties special license and authority : From my house in Bridges-Street in Covent-Garden, over-against the play-house, or the Rose-Tavern, where the Kings-Armes hangs over the balconey. I Cornelius a Tilbourn, sworn chirurgeon to the late King Charles the second, and now priviledg'd by our our present Gracious Soveraign.
Tilburg, CorneliusDate: [between 1689 and 1694]- Books
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Hic est quem legis, ille quem requiris, tota notus in Urbe. By his Majesty's special license and authority : At my house, at the sign of the King's-arms in Bridges-street in Covent-Garden, at the corner of White-Hart-Yard, exactly over-against Exeter-street-end, at the two white twisted-posts, liveth Cornelius ʼa Tilburg, sworn chirurgeon to the late King Charles the II.
Tilburg, CorneliusDate: [between 1695and 1700]- Books
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By His Majesties license, and special approbation of the true orvietan, or antidote.
Tilburg, CorneliusDate: [before 1689]- Books
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Laus deo semper : That antient philosopher Plato gives us a proverb for imitation. A man that spins out his age idlely, and not distributing the gifts given him by God Almighty.
Tilburg, CorneliusDate: [between 1690 and 1700]