Schroeder van der Kolk, J. L. C. (Jacobus Ludovicus Conradus), 1797-1862.
By this person (5)
About this person (3)
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Redevoering over de verwaarloozing der vereischte zorg, ter leniging van het lot der krankzinnigen, en ter genezing derzelven in ons vaderland / [Jacobus Ludovicus Conradus Schroeder van der Kolk].
Schroeder van der Kolk, J. L. C. (Jacobus Ludovicus Conradus), 1797-1862.Date: 1838- Books
Professor Schroeder van der Kolk on the minute structure and functions of the spinal cord and medulla oblongata : and on the proximate cause and rational treatment of epilepsy / translated from the original (with emendations and copious additions from manuscript notes of the author) by William Daniel Moore.
Schroeder van der Kolk, J. L. C. (Jacobus Ludovicus Conradus), 1797-1862.Date: 1859- Books
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Bau und Functionen der Medulla Spinalis und Oblongata, und nächste ursache und rationelle Behandlung der Epilepsie / von J.L.C. Schroeder van der Kolk ; aus dem holländischen übertragen von Friedrich Wilhelm Theile.
Schroeder van der Kolk, J. L. C. (Jacobus Ludovicus Conradus), 1797-1862.Date: 1859- Books
Observationes anatomico-pathologici et ... practici argumenti ... Fasc. 1 / [Jacob Lodewijk Koenraad Schroeder van der Kolk].
Schroeder van der Kolk, J. L. C. (Jacobus Ludovicus Conradus), 1797-1862.Date: 1826- Books
Van der Kolk's Pathology and therapeutics of insanity. A, Idiopathic insanity / translated by J. Workman.
Schroeder van der Kolk, J. L. C. (Jacobus Ludovicus Conradus), 1797-1862.Date: 1864