Eglisham, George, active 1612-1642
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Georgii Eglisemmii Scoti, Doctoris Medici Regi, Accurata methodus erigendi thematis natalitii, in diebus criticis disquirendis.
Eglisham, George, active 1612-1642Date: Anno 1616- Books
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The forerunner of reuenge : Vpon the Duke of Buckingham, for the poysoning of the most potent King Iames of happy memory King of great Britan, and the Lord Marquis of Hamilton and others of the nobilitie. Discouered by M. George Elisham one of King Iames his physitians for his Majesties person aboue the space of ten yeares.
Eglisham, George, active 1612-1642Date: 1626- Books
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A declaration to the Kingdome of England : Concerning the poysoning of King James of happy memory, King of Great Brittain. Wherein is contained, severall remarkable passages, touching the Kings Majesty, and the Duke of Buckingham; with the manner, how the old Countesse of Buckingham, and the Duke her son, applyed a plaister to the Kings heart & breast, & administred a white powder in a cup of wine, which caused the Kings body and head to swell above measure, his hair with the skin of his head stuck to the pillow, and his nailes became loose upon his fingers and toes. Together with King James his protestation concerning our Soveraign Lord the King that now is. And His Majesties last speech, upon His death-bed. / Written by George Eglisham, Doctor of Physicke, and o[n]e of the physitian[s] to King James of happy memory, for His Majesties person above ten yeares space.
Eglisham, George, active 1612-1642Date: 1648- Books
The fore-runner of revenge; being two petitions: the one to the King's most Excellent Majesty, the other, to the most Honourables [sic] Houses of Parliment. Wherein is expressed divers actions of the late Earle of Buckingham; especially concerning the death of King James and the Marquess Hamelton, supposed by poyson. Also may be observed the inconveniences befalling a state where the noble disposition of the Prince is mis-led by a favourite / by George Eglisham.
Eglisham, George, active 1612-1642.Date: 1642- Books
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The fore-runner of revenge : Being two petitions: the one to the Kings most Excellent Maiesty: the other, to the most Honourables Houses of Parliament. Wherein is expressed divers actions of the late Earle of Buckingham; especially concerning the death of King Iames, and the Marquess Hamelton, supposed by poyson. Also may be observed the inconveniences befalling a state where the noble disposition of the prince is mis-led by a favourite. By George Eglisham Doctor of Physick, and one of the physitians to King Iames of happy memory, for his Maiesties person above ten years space.
Eglisham, George, active 1612-1642Date: In the yeare 1642