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A worthy practise of the moste learned phisition Maister Leonerd Fuchsius, Doctor in phisicke, moste necessary in this needfull tyme of our visitation, for the comforte of all good and faythfull people, both olde and yonge, bothe for the sicke and for them that woulde auoyde the daunger of the contagion.
Fuchs, Leonhart, 1501-1566Date: [1563]- Books
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A boke, or counseill against the disease commonly called the sweate, or sweatyng sicknesse. Made by Ihon Caius doctour in phisicke. Very necessary for euerye personne, and muche requisite to be had in the handes of al sortes, for their better instruction, preparacion and defence, against the soubdein comyng, and fearful assaultying of the-same [sic] disease.
Caius, John, 1510-1573Date: 1552- Books
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Der englische Schweiss : ein ärztlicher Beitrag zur Geschichte des fünfzehnten und sechzehnten Jahrhunderts / von J.F.C. Hecker.
Hecker, J. F. C. (Justus Friedrich Carl), 1795-1850.Date: 1834- Books
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Histoire de l'épidémie de suette miliare, qui a régné, en 1841 et 1842 : dans le département de la Dordogne / par H. Parrot.
Parrot, Henri.Date: 1843- Books
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The Lord Bacons relation to the sweating-sickness examined, in a reply to George Thomson, pretender to physick and chymistry : together with a defence of phlebotomy in general, and also particularly in the plague, small-pox, scurvey, and pleurisie, in opposition to the same author, and the author of Medela medicinæ, Doctor Whitaker, and Doctor Sydenham : also, a relation concerning the strange symptomes happening upon the bite of an adder, and, a reply by way of preface to the calumnies of Eccebolius Glanvile / by Henry Stubbe.
Stubbe, Henry, 1632-1676Date: 1671