Boraston, William
- Books
The English mans-treasure. With the true anatomie of mans body / compiled by ... Thomas Vicary ... Whereunto are annexed many secrets appertaining to chyrurgery, with divers excellent approved remedies for all captaines and souldiers, that travell eyther by water or land: and likewise for all diseases ... with emplaisters of speciall cure: with other potions and drinkes approved in physicke. Also the rare treasure of the English bathes: written by William Turner ... Gathered and set forth ... by William Bremer ... And now eighthly augmented and enlarged, with almost a thousand approved waters and medicines ... as also oyntments and plaisters: with especiall ... remedies for the plague ... by W[illiam] B[oraston] practitioner in physicke and chyrurgerie.
Vicary, Thomas, -1561Date: 1633- Books
- Online
The English-mans treasure : With the true anatomie of mans body: compiled by that excellent chyrurgion Mr. Thomas Vicary Esquire, Sergeant Chyrurgion to King Henry the 8. to K. Edvvard the 6. to Queene Mary, and to our late soveraigne Qu. Elizabeth. ... Whereunto are annexed many secrets appertaining to chyrurgery, with divers excellent approved remedies for all captaines and souldiers, that travell eyther by water or land: and likewise for all diseases which are eyther in man or woman: with emplaisters of especiall cure: with other potions and drinkes approved in physicke. Also the rare treasure of the English bathes: written by William Turner Doctor in Phisicke. Gathered and set forth for the benefit and cure of the poorer sort of people, who are not able to goe to the physitians: by William Bremer, practitioner in physicke and chyurgerie.
Vicary, Thomas, -1561Date: 1633- Books
- Online
A necessarie and briefe treatise of the contagious disease of the pestilence : with the causes, signes, and cures of the same. Collected and newly composed for the benefit and comfort of the vulgar sort. By W. Boraston.
Boraston, WilliamDate: 1630