Lover of truth
- E-books
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A humble address to the Protestant dissenters, from the establish'd Church of England, especially to those in the country. Relating to the new election of persons to represent them in Parliament. By a lover of truth
Lover of truth- E-books
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A letter to the author of the Monthly review, on his account of Dr. Watts's Posthumous works for December, 1779; and his strictures upon Dr. Gibbons's Memoirs of Dr. Watts, October, 1780
Lover of Truth- E-books
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A letter to the Revd. Benjamin Fawcett, M.A. occasioned by his pamphlet, intitled, Candid reflections on the different manner in which the learned and pious have expressed their conceptions concerning the doctrine of the Trinity
Lover of Truth- E-books
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A vindication of the R----t H-----e and H-----e L----ds and gentlemen, who have been basely aspersed, and scandalously mis-represented, in a late anonimous work, intitled, The history of Roger. By a lover of truth
Lover of truth- E-books
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Presbyterian priestcraft laid open: in an address to the society of young men in Jewen-Street. Occasion'd by a sermon preach'd by Patrick Russel, M. A. Minister of the Gospel in London. By a lover of truth and honesty
Lover of Truth